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Professional Jelly Baby Decapitator
A new law was introduced that made websites tell you when they use them.

So now, basically, a small message pop up and by using their website you agree to the use of cookies etc.

You could of course turn cookies off; but then options such as "keep me signed in" etc won't work.

It's never bothered me, if they want to tailor the website view to match my needs and habits and make it easier for me, then so be it :smile:


Über Member
Doesn't bother me at all, I quite like the fact all advertising shown on website's I visit now show things I'm interested in (Bike stuff) , much better than seeing rubbish that has absolutely no interest to me....I mean what's wrong with that?
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Oh, must have missed that bit.
@jefmcg :hugs:
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