Official Closest pass video

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Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
User3143 said:
I've passed four driving tests, all first time. There is a fine line between taking up your position on the road and just being a hazard when there simply is no need. Imo you were the latter. Yes the driver should not have overtaken so close that, but on the other hand you didn't do yourself any favours being where you was when there was no need to take that line in the first place.

Waffly is right, the driver is completely and utterly in the wrong. What we're discussing though, is whether Magnatom could have done things better, and that's where I agree that it might have been wiser to stay left, slow a little, and negotiate back out again to get past the pinch point and door zone.

You can't say Magnatom was being a hazard - that's plain nonsense.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
I would say that the car IS over the line as it goes for the overtake - I've paused and stepped the video and IMHO he's over it.

To be perfectly honest, I'd most likely have ridden that road exactly the same way that Magnatom did as the pinch point came up. There's only so much looking behind you can do whilst you're trying to stay aware of the road ahead. I've had attempted passes like this (though not quite as close) - I've been aware that there's a car coming up behind, I've been checking behind but there's no way to anticipate if they'll decide that they'll try and dive past when they get closer. 99.9% of drivers will come up behind and sit and wait until you're able to safely let them get by.

Trying to work out what happens in Magnatom's video, it seems he's aware of the car and not expecting the close pass. He knows the car is there (he's been looking around and has obviously heard it behind), but thinks he's in enough of a primary position that no-one would be daft enough to try and squeeze by. Then he seems to be aware that something's happening and looks round, gets the fright of his life and automatically shoots his hand out unconsciously to fend off the danger. It's a reflex reaction that you'll see in many videos - there's a classic I've seen where a guy's almost wiped out by a rally car; the minute he realises it's upon him, he shoots his hands out to try and push it away...

Oh, and I'd love to be as perfect a cyclist as Lee. Must be nice to be able to ride every situation in such a textbook fashion (except for when it comes to stopping when the lights are at red... :laugh:) The onus was on the driver to wait until it was safe to overtake; he didn't. This is what the whole video boils down to - an idiotic cabbie endangering the lives of others.

I'll now sit and wait to be told that I should be joining Waffles & Maggers in a virtual cup of tea because I've dared to disagree... ;)
Drivers always do things wrong,that's obvious and doesn't really help when you are spread eagled over someones bonnet.

I came up against one prat at Tower Gateway this morning in a van who thought it was ok to stick his foot to the floor so he could rush up to the (red) traffic lights and the rearside of the car stopped at them.Same tonight at Leyton Station leaving me no safety space leaving me stranded in the middle of the top at Leyton Station.What a prat small penis syndrome.

However annoying that is,drivers will always do it is the way I look at it and however much we rant and moan won't change a damn thing.


Failed Tech Bro
Its matters not if Maggers chose to exit the roundabout naked, body-painted in blue woad and screaming "Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace!", it doesn't give the driver ANY right to endanger his life.

Remember what we're trying to achieve by all this primary/secondary nonsense - to control our environment using the very limited tools at our disposal. The fact that we feel the need to do this reflects on how little some road users care for the safety of others.


Failed Tech Bro
hackbike 666 said:
Drivers always do things wrong,that's obvious and doesn't really help when you are spread eagled over someones bonnet.
True, and ultimately its no good being right and dead. We're also human too (something that gets forgotten by many of our road-using chums) and sometimes the frustration at being treated like crap 24-7 can boil over. Last month I came as close to fisticuffs as I've ever done as an adult with a c0ck of a courier. He'd passed me close, but what really set me off was that he just didn't care that he'd risked my life, even in some small way. I'd deserved it by getting in his way and delaying him for about 3 seconds.


New Member
Bollo said:
Its matters not if Maggers chose to exit the roundabout naked, body-painted in blue woad and screaming "Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace!", it doesn't give the driver ANY right to endanger his life.

I will now have a certain mental vision everytime I read a post by maggers... Nurse! Medications required! ;)


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Bollo said:
Its matters not if Maggers chose to exit the roundabout naked, body-painted in blue woad and screaming "Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace!", it doesn't give the driver ANY right to endanger his life.

Remember what we're trying to achieve by all this primary/secondary nonsense - to control our environment using the very limited tools at our disposal. The fact that we feel the need to do this reflects on how little some road users care for the safety of others.

I think even Lee acknowledged that. I certainly did.
Bollo said:
True, and ultimately its no good being right and dead. We're also human too (something that gets forgotten by many of our road-using chums) and sometimes the frustration at being treated like crap 24-7 can boil over. Last month I came as close to fisticuffs as I've ever done as an adult with a c0ck of a courier. He'd passed me close, but what really set me off was that he just didn't care that he'd risked my life, even in some small way. I'd deserved it by getting in his way and delaying him for about 3 seconds.

Can't say I blame you.The attitude out there sometimes,stinks.
Holy smoke Magnaman that is close. My self I think I would of gradually spiraled out of rab a bit earlier making allowing me more time to assess the situation before the pinch point but that's not where that imbecile decided to reconfirm he was an idiot. I don't think it'd mattered what position you were in he'd still been an idiot and if you had been in a different position you'd get a different idiot on a different day. I think we have to be continually alert for idiots like that and adapt our position as neccesary. I've been quite fortunate over the last few weeks when I've been more primary than normal because of the possibility of ice.


Bollo said:
Its matters not if Maggers chose to exit the roundabout naked, body-painted in blue woad and screaming "Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace!", it doesn't give the driver ANY right to endanger his life.

Magnatom thinking bubble: Mmm. I need some more funds for my new bike purchase....mmmm I wonder how much sponsership I could get to exit that roundabout naked, body painted........:laugh:

( I expect I would get more not to do it!;))


Legendary Member
Lee, in his very first post specifically makes the point that

"I'm not finding excuses for the taxi drivers behaviour here, as his driving was poor."

His further point being:

"imo there is ample room leading up to the pinch point. Why did you not stay in secondary and then 30 yards from the ''pinch point'' look behind you and move across?"

imo also

Certainly that's what I would have done in that situation.

In short, the driver's driving was bad and reckless - but that doesn't change the fact that assuming primary unnecessarily and expecting everyone else to organise themselves around you is asking for trouble.
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