Official Closest pass video

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Originally Posted by Bollo
Its matters not if Maggers chose to exit the roundabout naked, body-painted in blue woad and screaming "Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace!", it doesn't give the driver ANY right to endanger his life.

No doubt,but this doesn't stop the motons.


Legendary Member
I think the point that is being missed by the 'move over and let them pass' brigade is that from the end of the narrow exit from the roundabout to the next pinch point is only about 5 or six seconds. For me that is just too short a distance to give up primary and risk having a queue of traffic make it difficult to get back out – and that's without the added difficulty of the weather and the 'uncleaned' parts of the carriageway. The taxi gets into the pinch point only a couple of metres ahead of Mags, so there is not a lot of space to let even one vehicle pass and then get back out.

I would also hold primary from the roundabout to the pinch point. The overtake was dangerous and unnecessary – a piece of vigilante behaviour on the part of the taxi driver. He needs to be reported.

cycling fisherman

Senior Member
both parties are to blame on this one 75% taxi 25% magnatom, however the taxi driver was bang out of order for overtaking so dangerously even if you were in the middle of the road.

I think your reaction was spot on by the way, i know i would not have handled the situation as well, especially when he stopped I would have got off the bike and ended up dragging him out of his car and giving him some bad news.

For that you should be commended


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
cycling fisherman said:
both parties are to blame on this one 75% taxi 25% magnatom

Oh come on, how can you possibly blame magnatom for the numpty driver's overtake? It's purely the driver's stuffup.

We might be criticizing magnatom on this topic, but at the very "worst" that's only what he could have done better from a best practices point of view. From a blame/legal point of view he did nothing at all wrong.
BentMikey said:
Oh come on, how can you possibly blame magnatom for the numpty driver's overtake? It's purely the driver's stuffup.

We might be criticizing magnatom on this topic, but at the very "worst" that's only what he could have done better from a best practices point of view. From a blame/legal point of view he did nothing at all wrong.

Im not criticising magnatom,you have to do what you think is right at the time.May not always be the right decision or it may be.Who knows?
User3143 said:
I've passed four driving tests, all first time. There is a fine line between taking up your position on the road and just being a hazard when there simply is no need. Imo you were the latter. Yes the driver should not have overtaken so close that, but on the other hand you didn't do yourself any favours being where you was when there was no need to take that line in the first place.

...And that's where you make everything else you say irrelevant. Thank you for agreeing with us.


Failed Tech Bro
cycling fisherman said:
both parties are to blame on this one 75% taxi 25% magnatom

Nope. Magnatom is to blame 0%. The taxi is to blame 0% - its a vehicle. The driver, the sentient being behind the wheel, who controls the 1.5 tonnes of machinery is 100% to blame. All his brain had to do was to tell his right foot not to move 1 inch down. Try it, its easy!

You might disagree with the subtleties of his road positioning and we can argue the toss all night, but Magnatom rode in a completely consistent and predictable way and the driver knew exactly where we was on the road. He just didn't like it. Its not like maggers popped out of the ground (naked, blue woad etc).


West Midlands
100% Drivers fault and you have to remember your not in control of how people overtake. IMO better to move over a bit and let him past then "hope" he will be patient and stay behind. I understand though that due to the condition of the road it wasn't safe to ride close to the curb.


Driver in the wrong! Way too close on the overtake.


Well-Known Member
Glasgow, UK
There's no doubt that the taxi driver is a nutter for overtaking there.

It does seem to be a common theme with drivers; there are a number on the roads that feel they have to get past you if the road is wide enough for them to fit past you, whether it's by undertaking or overtaking. To be honest I don't really have a better approach than trying to guess when you've got one of them behind you and slow down and pull over to let them pass, even if it means stopping.

It's only slightly further down from there I had a bus driver who was right behind me and revving his engine so it was clear he was going to overtake regardless of the fact that was only physically just enough room for him to get past without clipping me or the oncoming traffic, even if I cycled directly next to the parked cars - there was a clear "you move out the way or I'm going to hit you" game of chicken going on. (I did report him to the police, but apparently I didn't do it quite right so would have to report it again and then go in for an interview, and by the time they told me that sufficient time had passed that it didn't seem quite worthwhile.)

As you might remember, my approach is just to avoid that roundabout :evil:


Well it's certainly got a debate going! :sad:

I'll be reporting him tomorrow when I get a chance.

Do you know what. My wife is sitting next to me at the moment, and has suggested that I take an advanced driving test. I think that is a bl**dy good idea. That way I could get on a higher horse than Lee! :evil: (18 hands would about do it apparently as she is a horsey type!)

Seriously though, I might just look into an advanced test. Anything to improve my road skills on and off the bike. We all have room for improvement. wouldn't you all agree......Lee?:smile:


Taking the biscuit
Mag, I've watched this vid a few times now with respect to the posts of others and I don't think you could have ridden that stretch of road any other way, considering the conditions.

An instructor might suggest that you could have held a stronger primary on approach to the pinch point but that could put you nearer the center line and as has been said 'might' encourage undertaking(considering the pinch point comes out from the left this would be incredibly rash and dangerous for even the most impatient and ignorant moton.).

*Last month I had a council dust cart undertake me going over a cross roads, after beeping at me at a red light, mouthing and gesticulating that I should move from the ASL box and get out of his 'FUGGING' way?!:evil:)*

There is no reason apparent in this vid to suggest in any way that you should have pulled to the left and let this idiot past.

IMO the overtaking car's driver side tyres are, at the very least, a foot or so over the central lines.

Ride on Mags and stay safe!


Cheers Mr tdr1nka. I think some folk forget that watching the video again and again is a luxury that you don't have during the 0.5 seconds where you need to make the decisions!

By the way I will be looking into an advanced driving course not a cycling course. My cycling is already advanced......:evil:


the tank engine
wafflycat said:

The driver could have waited so entirely his fault, so I'm with Mags and Waffly - not Lee. If I didn't know what a car was doing I wouldn't overtake on my bike or when driving. Watching the video he didn't seem an amazing distance out. Cycle it closer next time and I'm sure he'll just have some other idiot doing something.

magnatom said:
By the way I will be looking into an advanced driving course not a cycling course. My cycling is already advanced......:evil:

Depends what type of advance driving course you do, but it could have some benefit. You can do the Advance motorists one. That's meant to be quite good, but it teaches you more about anticipation and things like that (i think)
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