oh Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.................

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Legendary Member
got-to-get-fit said:
i wasnt drinking, it was on the coffee table from last night and i went to pick it up to wash it and i managed to drop it

..and you knocked it off the table in the afternoon:ohmy:?

Give our wife a stern look when she gets home and tell her you expect last nights debris to be cleared up before she goes out in the morning.

Buy twenty bottles of red wine and pour them into the carpet.


Commiserations. My son took it on himself to snip open with scissors, a sandwich cooler bag, 'to see what happens' over the only cream carpet in the house this year. You know, the bags that contain a vivid blue liquid that you put in the freezer. We now have a vivid blue slodge on the carpet. I couldn't punish him too much as I've done the same when I was a kid. C'est la vie. No one died.


This reminds me of the time when mates called round to see if I was going out for with them and as I was putting a jersey on I 'punched' the glass lampshade which hangs from the ceiling then it drops and smashes.

So I made a quick evalaution of the situ.: and realised that honesty would be the better part of valour (:shy:) so after telling said friends of the situ. they talked me into going for that ride and 'it'll be ok....', came back after ride, and Mum says 'what happened to the lamp Lee' - as you know you dont lie to your parents :smile: - '....oh it just fell down...:blush:' - i did pay for it: out of the pocket money money but I also got a bloody good talking to = TO get changed in my room instead...

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