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Voice of the people
I'm with MontyVeda (though being in the USA, cycling on the pavement can often be legal -depends on the town bylaws).

I'd rather be safe -and if it means I can cycle on a pavement with no consequences to other pavement users, I'm OK with that. When I do, I most certainly give pedestrians precedence, and will stop if there is not enough space to pass by safely. A long time ago I realized my personal safety is my responsibility if motor vehicle driving is inadequately policed, restrained or bad driving has little to no consequences (or if there is bad road design).

Back to present: different country admittedly, but I know I've cycled on pavement in a local town that doesn't legally allow it and have gone by a police cruisers quite a few times -they've never given me a moment's thought. I'd think you'd have to be deliberately obnoxious before they'd do something. Back in my previous job, I often commuted on stretch of pavement on a very busy dual carriageway. Had I not done so, I'd have been cycling in the road with fast moving traffic, with the need to cross over the road. Cycling on the pavement was a no brainer for my safety -and while I could have walked the half mile or so with my bike, since I only ever saw 2-3 people on the pavement in my entire time I commuted that route, I certainly don't think it was a terrible thing to do.

It would be interesting to know if anyone have been stopped recently by the police for cycling on the pavement, assuming it was the only thing they were doing that could have caused the police to stop them?
Just another "stop the world, for the cyclist" you lot give cyclists a bad name. You want all our own way, then blame the cars for the smallest thing.
If there is no road, walk your bike!

Colin B

Well-Known Member
Don't want to get into the whole is it safe debate , but I intend treating a bicycle like any other mode of transport and obey the highway code and unless said pavement says shared use I will not be cycling on one .
To me cycling on non shared use pavements regardless of your speed and how safely you are cycling just gives non cyclist yet more ammunition to throw and in order to have even the slightest chance of changing even one mind requires doing it by the book . I also agree that its kind of hypocritical to say a drivers in your ASL yet then say its ok to ride in an area designated pedestrian only . I would also like to point out that even motorbility scooters have classes 1 to 3 the latter must use the road . Anyways just my opinion .


The other day (Monday) there was a build up of traffic around the Holborn area, more specifically in this instance the Strand end of Waterloo Bridge. Was tight enough that filtering was impossible. I got off the bike and walked/jogged on the pavement around the congestion when a lady, coffee in hand starts shouting at me- I think something about me nearly hitting her (which I certainly didn't - there was loads of room - a good four feet between myself and her burly presence). I of course laughed, waved her off and continued to the ASL.

I'd only cycle on the pavement in town/residential areas if I REALLY had to in order to avoid an accident. Otherwise to get off and walk is actually quicker in most instances.

On particularly nasty A-roads I definitely consider it if cycling is too uncomfortable.

Colin B

Well-Known Member
Yes, that definitely worked for the suffragettes
Ok so what your saying is when it comes to the highway code and the law its ok for a cyclist to break it when he feels like it but any other road user gets his reg plate on YouTube . I think this debate will never be agreed and excuses such as I feel endangered so I'll use the pavement will be quoted so that means basically i feel endangered every time I deliver in some rough area so sod the law I'm going to carry a knife for protection . Can't have it both ways when it concerns the law mate simple as that but if you want to ride on the pavement feel free to do so its your choice as it every one else's to do what they feel is then right thing .
I'm outta this one before it goes too Pete tong
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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
By your own admission, you three don't ride very much atall. So it's probably a confidence thing....I kind of get that, not being confident on the road.
ah bless.... Roadrider's trying to wind us up by claiming we're nervous on the roads... it's not the first time in this thread you're a mile away from the truth or the facts... but i understand that... i think it's called clutching at straws because you're too manly to back down and admit you're a ********

Dan B

Disengaged member
Ok so what your saying is when it comes to the highway code and the law its ok for a cyclist to break it when he feels like it but any other road user gets his reg plate on YouTube .

You can show me where I said that, can you?


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I'm outta this one before it goes too Pete tong

it went Pete Tong when roadrider started trolling.


Voice of the people
ah bless.... Roadrider's trying to wind us up by claiming we're nervous on the roads... it's not the first time in this thread you're a mile away from the truth or the facts... but i understand that... i think it's called clutching at straws because you're too manly to back down and admit you're a ********
I'm not trying to wind anybody up, that's what you said. That's a bit of a silly post really.


Voice of the people
it went Pete Tong when roadrider started trolling.
Troll? That's rich coming from you.
Anyway, just you wait until you are doing a bit of your pavement cycling and you hit a kid or an old person.
Mind you, it probably won't bother you because you think you're right and you have no conscience.
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