Protect the NHS, part 2. Reduce avoidable hospital admissions.

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Deplorable Brexiteer
Most cycling is fine - I think the practicing doing 30 foot jumps, and 10 foot drop offs might be taking it a bit far :laugh:

It's the kamikaze roadies who brag about doing 40-50 mph descents are the ones that will clog up the NHS when they come to grief on the loose gravel or slippery autumn leaves, not the 10-12 mph pootlers just out for a bit of fresh air.
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
It's quite simple - context. The context being, that since March some people (EDIT: inc some cyclists on sites like this) HAVE told cyclists to stop riding, or restrict to an hour, not stray too far in case you need rescuing (!). Villages with "Cyclists, FU.. Go Home!" signs. You name it.

It's naive to ignore this context, even if 'Skol's intentions may have been honourable.
Sorry but I have to correct the blatant exaggeration in your post above (edited in bold). A minority of people behaved as you describe. And to put it into 'context', the GO HOME signs were not just aimed at cyclists but all outsiders/strangers/visitors. Perhaps your skewed perception meant you thought they were picking on you?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
It's the kamikaze roadies who brag about doing 40-50 mph descents are the ones that will clog up the NHS when they come to grief on the loose gravel or slippery autumn leaves, not the 10-12 mph pootlers just out for a bit of fresh air.

I've never fallen off at 40, 50 or 60. My bad one was just 13 mph. ;)
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
It's the kamikaze roadies who brag about doing 40-50 mph descents are the ones that will clog up the NHS when they come to grief on the loose gravel or slippery autumn leaves, not the 10-12 mph pootlers just out for a bit of fresh air.
Thankyou, the voice of reason at last. Go out, enjoy your ride, try not to break any bones and don't try to break any records :okay:
It's the kamikaze roadies who brag about doing 40-50 mph descents are the ones that will clog up the NHS when they come to grief on the loose gravel or slippery autumn leaves, not the 10-12 mph pootlers just out for a bit of fresh air.

Think I was going around 12mph - when a car drove into me.


Deplorable Brexiteer
I've never fallen off at 40, 50 or 60. My bad one was just 13 mph. ;)

If you had come off at warp speed on a bend in the road with a nice solid object like a wall, telegraph pole, or oncoming vehicle to crash into, you probably wouldn't even be here now posting this. No crash is "nice", they all hurt but the faster you are going the more kinetic energy has to be dissipated. I try my utmost not to come off at all, especially on the road. Even at low speeds on a MTB, I'd still rather not find myself wearing a stinging nettle patch either.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
You've just made two completely contradictory statements. I agree completely with the first paragraph, we need to let the virus run so as many of the population as possible have caught it and have some immunity to it. You don't achieve that by having lockdowns though, only by permitting people to go about their daily lives as normal.
The lower you try to drive the transmission rate, the longer this nonsense is going to drag on for as you couldn't quickly vaccinate the population even if there was a vaccine ready to dispense. The only way to get it over with is to stop trying to interfere with the epidemic and let nature take it's course. In reality there is a glass ceiling to the viable transmission rate, as the falling numbers in places like Brazil and India have shown. It won't be long before it really starts to fall off again in the USA too.
They're contradictory because it's a balancing act. Had we done more of the second we might not be panicked into a lockdown...people could still have their cancer treatments, driving tests, hospitality jobs etc. and Covid spread would be manageable without lockdown.
Sorry but I have to correct the blatant exaggeration in your post above (edited in bold). A minority of people behaved as you describe. And to put it into 'context', the GO HOME signs were not just aimed at cyclists but all outsiders/strangers/visitors. Perhaps your skewed perception meant you thought they were picking on you?
Are you denying displays of animosity directed at visiting cyclists, anywhere in the UK? OK, fine, it's not a hill I plan to die on.
(p.s. a minority of the population could be 28 million - that's more than "some"! You need to get a dictionary my friend :smile: )

Meanwhile, if you have a better answer than mine to the mystery mentioned below, let me know:
I cant see why people are taking issue with @I like Skol skol original post,
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