Rant : why don't ruddy car drivers like using the entire ruddy road

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Legendary Member
I came back to driving after a break in 2012 and I've had this several times, I've also noticed that if I give a cyclist a wide berth the cars that are following me do the same.

I love it when I do a safe, wide, courteous overtake on a cyclist. Aside from good roadcraft, safety and manners, I'm one of them too and maybe they'll return the favour to me, or pay it forward.

Such warm feelings of smugness immediately vanish when I look in my mirror to see the Audi behind me then close pass them.


Never used Über Member
Have you never felt like going out the night before and parking your car in the spot to annoy him?

He might take retribution on your car.

Hire a skip for him. Do they deliver at 5am?

Sadly I've got work to go to. ^_^
Plus he parks very close to a junction that buses use all day so it would be just my luck for something to happen - how his car hasn't been clipped I've no idea...


Senior Member
Sadly I've got work to go to. ^_^
Plus he parks very close to a junction that buses use all day so it would be just my luck for something to happen - how his car hasn't been clipped I've no idea...

Not that I condone vandalism but who says it has to be accidentally done by a bus?

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
It doesnt mean we have to moan about it all the time either. It is what it is. We all experience it. We all know it happens. Its not news and its not very interesting.
I think similar answers were given to people moaning in the past about drunk drivers, age discrimination in the workplace, fly tipping, to name but a few outdate behaviors.
The only solution I can think of is to stop riding and I wont do that.
You won't, others do stop riding or stop riding the roads, which in the UK restricts one's riding to no end.


Über Member
Traffic islands come in two flavours: those that still have enough room for a car to pass safely and those that I cycle past in primary so that nobody is tempted to.

That's what I do too.
Taken from Cyclecraft book


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
Its like tacking in the wind with just one pannier.
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