Rate my gardening chances

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I am to gardening what @threebikesmcginty is to DIY

So here it is. Last summer I ripped out the overwhelming ivy thing which was slowly taking over the garden and house. I hate Ivy. This was my attempt to finally tackle the garden as we'd done the house. Anyway, lots of sweaty effort later, I won. I turned over the garden, removed some flags, jet washed the remaining ones and who knew, they were different colours. Suddenly the place looked like it had potential.

And then it began. Mrs C envisaged a spa pool with reclined decking or something, the boys wanted an in situ climbing wall, with overhang come basketball net and I just wanted it to not look like a tip. No one could quite agree and I gave up, which, as I was the only one doing the work, was a problem.

Soon the weeds took over, the grass grew threw the paving cracks and it all began to look a bit ramshackle again. of course this was my fault. Apparently I'd made it look worse than it was. I maintained a diplomatic silence on the matter. It was true though, even the dog wouldn't chance his arm in the weeds, I could clearly see he didn't know what was lurking there.

So armed with new found determination, I have shut out demands for reclined decking etc... turned the garden over again, done my best to flatten it and sowed grass seed.


I dunno. I can't get the damn thing as even as I would like but surely green grass is better than triffids.

What do you think?


Tattooed Beat Messiah
The way I seeded grass was to mix the seed with some soil first, then spread it over. It looks like you haven't spread enough seed and you need to rake it in. You need much more seed coverage then what you have in your pic.

@Dayvo may have a better idea.


The way I seeded grass was to mix the seed with some soil first, then spread it over. It looks like you haven't spread enough seed and you need to rake it in. You need much more seed coverage then what you have in your pic.

@Dayvo may have a better idea.

I rolled it, so some of it is buried. But......
Were you sowing the seed using the "The Great Escape" trick of dropping it down your trouser leg and kicking it about a bit?

Seriously, WTF do you think you were doing? :laugh:


Were you sowing the seed using the "The Great Escape" trick of dropping it down your trouser leg and kicking it about a bit?

Seriously, WTF do you think you were doing? :laugh:

It's my cheap camera, honestly.

[QUOTE 3030749, member: 259"]It looks like you need to get it flatter than that or you'll be curing yourself about it forever after. Did you use a roller?[/QUOTE]

I did. I borrowed next doors. I spent ages walking about and re-raking the soil and then rolling it again. it's still shoot though isn't it.


Look the box said it would do 15 square metres and told me a handful a metre and so I bought two boxes 'cause i calculated I'd be just short and I was. So i must have been spreading it right. Ok, some bits may have got more than others....
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