Really cold 20 mins after stopping - any ideas?

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Trundling along
same here. About half hour after cycling i get the shivers, even in the summer. Being a girl i don't sweat excessively (i hope not anyway! LOL), so i dont think its that, and it happens even when i've changed my clothes. It's way worse in the winter, sometimes i'm cold all day at work if i haven't stayed in a hot shower long enough. trying to explain to my landlord why i needed a timer switch on the hot water (so i could have a bath immediately i came home) was fun! she looked at me like i was off my rocker.

there is no known medical cure (well, i don't think there is) but i do know that a really hot shower or bath (the latter preferably) and really hot beans on toast definitely helps.

i personally think its caused by hot muscles cooling down too quickly.
Mmmmm. That's an interesting one which makes me think a bit :scratch:. I know it's not a lack of food/drink (in my case) and the immediate hot shower made a bit of a difference, but I was under the fleece in front of a roaring fire all evening and I still wasn't exactly warm. On the other hand I wasn't shivering like I normally would be :cold: so it helped a bit. Trouble is, when you're out and about, hopping into a shower and making for the nearest blanket isn't exactly an option :biggrin:


Legendary Member
My guess it that it's a combination of three factors:

1 - Your clothes have been damp with sweat and in between stopping the exercise and getting into dry clothing your body loses a lot of surface heat to evaporation.

2 - Your blood sugar will be low and the body will divert warmth and energy to the vital internal organs especially the brain to maintain normal function. Low blood sugar explains why you sometimes feel dizzy after sudden exertion.

3 - After exercise you will rest and stop moving around; your muscles have been working hard and now you're asking them to return to their normal state of balanced equilibrium, which keeps your body in the correct posture and generates a low level of warmth.


Trundling along
My guess it that it's a combination of three factors:

1 - Your clothes have been damp with sweat and in between stopping the exercise and getting into dry clothing your body loses a lot of surface heat to evaporation.

2 - Your blood sugar will be low and the body will divert warmth and energy to the vital internal organs especially the brain to maintain normal function. Low blood sugar explains why you sometimes feel dizzy after sudden exertion.

3 - After exercise you will rest and stop moving around; your muscles have been working hard and now you're asking them to return to their normal state of balanced equilibrium, which keeps your body in the correct posture and generates a low level of warmth.

Blood sugar levels yesterday would have been sky high. I accidentally :whistle: ate a whole pack of fudge! :hyper:


Active Member
Gatley, Cheadle
Blood sugar levels yesterday would have been sky high. I accidentally :whistle: ate a whole pack of fudge! :hyper:
Hence your blood sugar may have been at a low. The initial spike of the fudge was counteracted by the insulin, and the physiological mechanism is prone to overshooting. I think the sugar crash might have come at the right (well, wrong) time.


Trundling along
Sorry to hijack your thread, I too suffer with this after I have showered and changed into fresh clothes, sometimes I really shiver as I get so cold regardless of temperature, I thought it was just me
Following a discussion earlier tonight - question for you! Are you normally colder than the people you're with - whether out and about, or watching tv or whatever?


Trundling along
same here. About half hour after cycling i get the shivers, even in the summer. Being a girl i don't sweat excessively (i hope not anyway! LOL), so i dont think its that, and it happens even when i've changed my clothes. It's way worse in the winter, sometimes i'm cold all day at work if i haven't stayed in a hot shower long enough. trying to explain to my landlord why i needed a timer switch on the hot water (so i could have a bath immediately i came home) was fun! she looked at me like i was off my rocker.

there is no known medical cure (well, i don't think there is) but i do know that a really hot shower or bath (the latter preferably) and really hot beans on toast definitely helps.

i personally think its caused by hot muscles cooling down too quickly.

Following a discussion earlier tonight - question for you! Are you normally colder than the people you're with - whether out and about, or watching tv or whatever?


Somerset UK
No suggestions, but I sometimes suffer from this. No idea why, I just put more clothes on.

Conversely sometimes when the weather's hot (remember that?) I just can't cool down after riding!


Bird Saviour
Following a discussion earlier tonight - question for you! Are you normally colder than the people you're with - whether out and about, or watching tv or whatever?

sometimes... it depends who i'm with :smile:


Bird Saviour
Mmmmm. That's an interesting one which makes me think a bit :scratch:. I know it's not a lack of food/drink (in my case) and the immediate hot shower made a bit of a difference, but I was under the fleece in front of a roaring fire all evening and I still wasn't exactly warm. On the other hand I wasn't shivering like I normally would be :cold: so it helped a bit. Trouble is, when you're out and about, hopping into a shower and making for the nearest blanket isn't exactly an option :biggrin:

when i say hot... i mean REALLY HOT :evil: hence why the bath is better. hot enough to burn your ass when you get in, and then when you get used to the temperature... put some more heat in!

have you also tried hugging a hot water bottle. i find that helps as well.


South Tyneside
It happens a lot.
Obviously the body cooling system does not switch off immediately..

I almost always have a hot cocoa for energy and protein replenishment. For the warmth too I'm sure.


Trundling along
Not sure the answer to that, I would say that I'm not normally a cold person, but I can ask my riding partners
I only ask because I realised I'm always colder than my other half - we can be sitting down and he's in a tshirt and I've got the biggest fleece in existence on..... and I like the 5 million tog duvet, and he likes the 2 tog one etc etc..... :rolleyes: and then I wondered if I'm naturally a few degrees colder in general, if cooling back down to that temp is causing the problems. Well, summat along those lines anway.


Bird Saviour
I only ask because I realised I'm always colder than my other half - we can be sitting down and he's in a tshirt and I've got the biggest fleece in existence on..... and I like the 5 million tog duvet, and he likes the 2 tog one etc etc..... :rolleyes: and then I wondered if I'm naturally a few degrees colder in general, if cooling back down to that temp is causing the problems. Well, summat along those lines anway.

that's just a woman thing. women are ALWAYS colder than men. God gave us men to warm our feet up in bed :cold:
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