Reforming the UCI

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David Millar interviewed in the Guardian today. He does talk about a few things but I didn't want to start a whole new thread and there's a fair bit about how the UCI seem to be in a place where events are taking their own course and they are no longer in control of how this may play out.

I read that before; excellent piece. I wonder if he's right about the momentum towards the UCI. I still feel there's a lack of smoking gun, though Skins suing them is a bit more like it.


The Borough
I read that before; excellent piece. I wonder if he's right about the momentum towards the UCI. I still feel there's a lack of smoking gun, though Skins suing them is a bit more like it.
Prima facie, the Skins case looks flimsy though but it shows people are really emboldened to have a pop at the UCI as is. Perhaps it's just about Skins getting publicity but it's a major hassle for the UCI.

Kimmage must have initiated his case on the basis of a decent lawyer looking at the original case so he must think he can nail something on them.

The federations speaking in public however is a play to the public and a show of no confidence that keeps up the pressure on the UCI. It's really important the independent review is established with a broad remit and proper independence.

Vaughters is suggesting the dope testing component is separated from the UCI and becomes WADA managed.

If you were in the UCI right now, dealing on top of all this with Vino, Padua and potential Fuentes stuff, you wouldn't be feeling great...


Active Member
Having read it I find it somewhat convenient David tells us the Sport started to clean up from 2008 when he took a business share in Slipstream and not 2006 when he returned to ride! The Sport started to clean up in the last 4 years, really?

I actually have no issue with him doing this as anyone in business would but I do have a problem with the cloak he wears whilst presenting a holier than though view.

He mentions large scale corruption but not a lot more!! If I was interviewing him as a journo as soon as I heard that I would be thinking GOLD lets uncover this but alas no, it was more a marketing ad for David than looking for that smoking gun! It was all too convenient and lame for my liking!

If we take his comments on UCI not doing enough and then look at his comments that the last 4 years the Sport is a lot cleaner is that a happy coincidence with no UCI involvement or not? He makes a lot of serious comments we all are being fed from different quarters and then offers the solution as Pat needs to make changes or ship out! He also mentions PK as being someone good for the UCI but how will that work with Pat in there?

It looks very much like David is trying to back all the horses and hope to come out a winner no matter what happens and look as if he has been doing the good fight all along.

I understand his business dilemma here and the need for a certain public profile but far too many issues in the piece and not enough answers.

David I believe is a decent guy, all Scotsmen are, and I hope he does well but he needs to put far more out there than he has done.



Active Member
JV wants the doping regime separate from UCI. Is JV forgetting who carries out doping test all over the world when athletes are not in competition? Who carried out tests on all those who evaded detection for years like LA, LL, GH et al. It was WADA that does this so I wonder exctly what JV is alluding to?

WADA were as successful as UCI and IOC and we have DM saying the Sport is now a lot cleaner so who achieved that and rather than saying hand it over, tell us all exactly what requires to be done now before we hand it over what exactly is not being done now that needs to be done?

Too much HYPE and nowhere near enough detail and direction.

Papertalk galore for the masses and trying to look good for the Sponsors I would suggest than anything else and maybe DM and JV need to chat a bit more to align their views better.
I'm thinking back to that pathetic resolution which was passed virtually unanimously at the AGM in Holland in September. Seems a very long time ago now!

Did we ever find out who were the four who voted against?
Looks like the UCI have gone to the head of CAS to get nominees for the enquiry commission:

They, however, have drawn up the terms of reference, so until we see them we'll not be sure whether anything positive will come out of the whole thing.

EDIT: seems my cynicism overtook me. According to the UCI press release:
"When appointed, the members of the Independent Commission alone will decide the final terms of reference of its wide ranging remit. "

Full text:


Senior Member
Glasgow Brr ..
Having read it I find it somewhat convenient David tells us the Sport started to clean up from 2008 when he took a business share in Slipstream and not 2006 when he returned to ride! The Sport started to clean up in the last 4 years, really?

I actually have no issue with him doing this as anyone in business would but I do have a problem with the cloak he wears whilst presenting a holier than though view.

He mentions large scale corruption but not a lot more!! If I was interviewing him as a journo as soon as I heard that I would be thinking GOLD lets uncover this but alas no, it was more a marketing ad for David than looking for that smoking gun! It was all too convenient and lame for my liking!

If we take his comments on UCI not doing enough and then look at his comments that the last 4 years the Sport is a lot cleaner is that a happy coincidence with no UCI involvement or not? He makes a lot of serious comments we all are being fed from different quarters and then offers the solution as Pat needs to make changes or ship out! He also mentions PK as being someone good for the UCI but how will that work with Pat in there?

It looks very much like David is trying to back all the horses and hope to come out a winner no matter what happens and look as if he has been doing the good fight all along.

I understand his business dilemma here and the need for a certain public profile but far too many issues in the piece and not enough answers.

David I believe is a decent guy, all Scotsmen are, and I hope he does well but he needs to put far more out there than he has done.


I think I spoke too soon. Dick Pound as pointed out the potential conflict of interest between Coates (the guy asked to oversee this independent inquiry) and Verbruggen - they are both on the IOC together. One could see this as just more of the old boys' network...
We are missing a point here.

The drug testing regime was under WADA auspices as well.

If the UCI failed than the WADA also failed in not ensuring it's rules and conditions were met.

The independent inquiry needs to be from completely outside cycling, and if there is a real wish o see what went wrong, look into the WADA conduct in this period as well.


This is true - and in fact, Alan Garnier, the ex-medical officer of WADA has now made specific allegations against WADA's involvement in covering up the Armstrong case.

Reading that article, one is forced to ask the question why he didn't say more at the time, or better still resign. Does he not join an increasing line of officials that say they knew what was going on but couldn't do anything about it?
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