Road bike cyclists, why don't you nod back?

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Here for rides.
If he was driving a Ford he wouldnt notice other Ford drivers, he'd be too busy concentrating on listening to the rattling sound and trying to work out which component was making it.
Whereas in the heyday of the MGB "sports car" all he'd hear was the grinding of his own teeth as the Marina TC gunned past and left him for dead.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
We went to Westray, in the Orkneys, a few years back. Everyone we saw, driving or walking, waved a cheery hello at everyone else. I know it is a small community but it was such a friendly place I hope we go back again soon.
I live in mean Glesga: this afternoon riding out from the park I use as a shortcut a guy on foot wanted me to stop.
I waved him a cheery hello while accelerating past :bicycle:


Legendary Member
We used to when I drove a Reliant three wheeler. We always waved to each other. Fellow sufferers sharing the pain!

Yup me too, or I used to flick the toggle switch to flash the lights

As a former Tripod Jockey myself I was about to make the same post. It was a sort of "No one understands us so we'd better stick together" wave

There was something a little embarrassing about owning a Reliant Regal saloon,

I have great childhood memories of being ferried around in a Reliant Regal, I can still remember the smell of burning oil.

Aye, that as well and it used to leak through the side engine cover panels into the footwell of mine.

I was just about to post the same thing. I had a yellow van ( not signed) in the late 70's. Loved it. Its hard to wave when it goes round the corner on two wheels though - a regular occurrence.

Me and my best mate had one each, his was white with that green tape on the windscreen that was supposed to look cool with his name and his birds name on it, with fluffy dice hanging from the mirror. He also had an eight track cartridge player in his.

My Tupperware tripod had Rover seats crammed in somehow and also had a fuel filter from a Rover to stop the carbs clogging up. I once had five people in mine and regularly used ferry about my girl friend and a five piece drum kit in it to gigs.

Feckin awful cars.

As for acknowledging other riders, i just tell them to fark off if they wave at me.



If people nod back it's up to them. They don't know you from Adam, and it's entirely their right to acknowledge your presence or ignore the f**k out of you. Don't get your knickers in a twist about it, just enjoy your ride and stop stressing over it. Anyone who moans at me for not nodding at them will get a reply Malcolm Tucker style...


Rural Quebec
I have done a study on this, I am only half a page into my thesis but I see a Phd* looming, this is how it goes:
brand new bike, doesn't matter if it is a mounting bike or a roading bike but you are glad to be out on it so you smile a lot and wave at others you see on bikes who must be feeling just like you. Those that wave back fit into 9 different categories of nice and those that do not only 1 as far as I can tell although there are sub categories including a) Lycra clad and b) bike that cost more than £60.
I am determined to finish this first page before sundown so any increase or insight on the 9 types of nice nodders would speed me along.:cuppa:


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
This is a busy forum with a high turnover of posts. The OP is new to CC and might not have seen one on this subject before. He did mention the subject in the title, yet you chose to read it, why?
Why not go the whole hog and have no more posts about helmets, red light jumpers, carbon v aluminium, shimano v campag, close passes, etc. etc..


Indeed, the majority of Birmingham is boring, just endless housing.

young Ed

i wave/nod at/say hello/raise a few fingers off the brake levers etc at most cyclists, i say most as my favourite strava segment or a scary descent may count as a reason not to. or if i'm on my old hybrid shoot riding in full military clothing and maybe an orange cycling jersey and a big rucksack the only thing to say i'm a real cyclist is my clipless shoes

most greet me back, there are some that don't especially if they are out of breath due to a bad climb. i also greet runners with a 'morning' (regardless of time of day! :tongue:) and some will greet me back but most are too out of breath and i don't care as being a runner my self i understand this
Cheers Ed


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I only nod or wave if I am on my road bike. On the mountain bike I am far too busy trying not to die to think about saying hi to anyone except the Grim Reaper.
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