England : Rutland Rutland Ride Mon 4th June

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CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
Going to miss the racing as I'm flying Birds of Prey at Greetham Garden centre, then got a mad dash to work!
TFs Ride is the day before I fly to Rome, so I won't say I'm coming...because something always stops me! But.........
Doh! Scrub that as just realised we are doing our first Audax that week so not sure my 40 something legs would manage a 50 miler with a 100k Audax a couple of days later. Especially as I've been off the bike for a while. Maybe another time.
Not to worry, doing an Audax is almost as good :smile:.........but not quite, unless it is in Rutland. What I am fairly sure of, is those that are coming here for the first time will want to come again and I have a feeling numbers may have to be limited for future rides. Hope to see you next time.
Going to miss the racing as I'm flying Birds of Prey at Greetham Garden centre, then got a mad dash to work!
TFs Ride is the day before I fly to Rome, so I won't say I'm coming...because something always stops me! But.........
I'm saying nothing cos I don't think you exist :wacko:
I'm hoping to make it down,usual weather disclaimers aside:rain:

You will be very welcome [more northerners :smile:] Potsy will tell you we are responsible for the wet weather on Colin's rides, funny that Potsy always seems to be on them too
, however I will take full credit for the weather on this ride because it can't be worse than the last few weeks, no problem with rain so long as it's warm. I know you don't like rough roads and we don't have them down here. Anyone who wants to bring extra clothes is welcome to change / shower at ours after the ride.
Another CC'er in Oakham? We must have crossed paths while out on the bike at some point, I'm fairly unmissable on my fixed and cloth cap. Anyway I don't need to extol the virtues of Rutland to you at least, but others on here may think I am exaggerating how good the cycling is in these parts. If you fancy a ride before then give me a shout as I'm often free at odd times during the week.

Id of thought so especially as i too am a member of Rutland Velo... Im out as much as possible at the minute in preperation for the club TT's coming up :-)

To be honest Rutland is a great place to cycle as it has great scenic routes but at the turn of a junction you can add hills if you like or just relax on the Rutland water peninsular,the roads are really good and dont know if its just me but ive NEVER (touch wood) had any issues with motorists around here they are all very good and tolerant of cyclists. :-)


Gravitationally challenged member
Can I be included as a tentative? I would have been in Owston for the Cicle Classic, but just couldn't face the conditions (22 finishers out of 155 starters!?!?!). Instead I watched a minor tragedy as 3 out of 4 Nottingham peregrine chicks perished despite heroic efforts by their mother.
I know the race was shortened due to the terrible weather, but did they actually ride the "Somerberg" sectors? Hell, that bit's bad enough in a drought (which, technically, we're still in)!
Bump, better do it now in case anyone posts because going to be a bit busy getting dr pink ready for a big time trial in Norfolk on Saturday, so here is the rider list to date:
RebeccaOlds [probable]
FlyingDodo [probable]



Liverpool, UK
You can add me and Mrs. IRW to the maybes if you like- I've got a fairly awkward set build to do in the Queen Elizabeth Theatre that week whilst the kids are off, but I need to squeeze a day off in somewhere, so I'll have to see how the Sunday before goes. Do you know what a rough ETA back in Oakham will be?
You can add me and Mrs. IRW to the maybes if you like- I've got a fairly awkward set build to do in the Queen Elizabeth Theatre that week whilst the kids are off, but I need to squeeze a day off in somewhere, so I'll have to see how the Sunday before goes. Do you know what a rough ETA back in Oakham will be?
I'm waiting to hear from those that are travelling from afar, I would like to be away for 9.30 but assuming 10.00 then I would think we should be back for 4.30, however it will obviously depend on many things, not least cake consumption, AngelDiva has been known to consume the odd slice or three...:whistle:
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