Severed an extendable dog lead yesterday....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Extendable leads and dark trails. Really. The dog isn't reflective either, and my mega boost lights just about pick them out.

TBH it's the dippy owners that are the issue, not the dog or lead. Must say, on balance, I've been meeting loads of really good dog owners and I've thanked them and they have been grateful back.
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Richmond ,Surrey
Ms ozboz was offed last year due to bloke with a dog on a retractable lead , he tried to say it was not extended , he was on the pavement the dog ran out virtually into the middle of the road , that road is a two car wide road , when challenged he said the dog was spooked by a noise from a car , and ran out , and the dog was on a short leash it wouldn’t have made the kerb never mind the central line marking , any way , all day in hospital , very shook up, but no real damage ,


Legendary Member
Nearly got taken out by a dog on an extendable lead on a main road this afternoon. Couple walking on pavement same direction and side of the road as me, ugly pug type dog on their right by the kerb suddenly decides to make a run for it as I'm approaching. Thankfully I was already 6' out to give them social distance and was able to swing round the animal as she realised what was going on and locked the lead. They got a loud "FFS" and a resigned shake of the head at their stupidity.
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