Shimano Di* do and do not.

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Mr Haematocrit

Mr Haematocrit

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But I've wondered what if you were replace the standard 11t jockey wheels supplied with the rear RD with 10t jockey wheels, would they still work ok and would that free up the extra space required to run the elusive 28t cassette? Maybe someone out there has tried it??

Great suggestion..... I know I have 10t Jockey wheels and a 28t cassette in my box of tricks..... You definitely have given me food for thought :thumbsup:


...It is also easier to modify than Ui2 due to the Ui2's CANbus system which makes things a little more challenging (but not impossible, more on this later)...
Which would be easier to modify in terms of custom cable runs?
Mr Haematocrit

Mr Haematocrit

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Which would be easier to modify in terms of custom cable runs?

There is not to much difference to be honest, the wiring of Ui2 is slightly smaller in diameter and the connections and junction boxes are better, but if you have the removal tools for the connections you should be fine with either. If you are looking at doing anything non-standard then Di2 is most certainly the easiest loom to work with.


Great suggestion..... I know I have 10t Jockey wheels and a 28t cassette in my box of tricks..... You definitely have given me food for thought :thumbsup:

If you get round to trying that let me know how you get on, I could do with the extra tooth for those big hills. Cheers :smile:


There is not to much difference to be honest, the wiring of Ui2 is slightly smaller in diameter and the connections and junction boxes are better, but if you have the removal tools for the connections you should be fine with either. If you are looking at doing anything non-standard then Di2 is most certainly the easiest loom to work with.
The Di/Ui deal breaker for me right now is the cable lengths on the standard loom are just completely wrong.
Mr Haematocrit

Mr Haematocrit

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The Di/Ui deal breaker for me right now is the cable lengths on the standard loom are just completely wrong.

Then my choice would be Di2 as its easier to build custom looms for and vastly cheaper than for Ui2. Would you appreciate some advice on the best way to do a custom Di2 loom? (you need to be able to solder) -- I can do a write up, if necessary

I run a custom loom myself and can power exposure lights from the same battery source as the Di2... Im also looking at adding a heater element (researching at the moment) under the bar tape to make riding in the winter more bearable. (I don't want to MTFU)

Daniel P

Hi gang -

Can anyone speak to the compatibility between Ultegra Ui2 and the new Dura Ace Di2? I'd love my next bike to start out with Ui2, and then upgrade over time to Di2. I've heard that you can just swap parts back and forth between the two, but with one being 10 speed and the other 11, I can't imagine that it's that simple. Anyone know?
Mr Haematocrit

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
Hi gang -

Can anyone speak to the compatibility between Ultegra Ui2 and the new Dura Ace Di2? I'd love my next bike to start out with Ui2, and then upgrade over time to Di2. I've heard that you can just swap parts back and forth between the two, but with one being 10 speed and the other 11, I can't imagine that it's that simple. Anyone know?

When 10 speed Dura-Ace was released its cables were multi core with 8mm cables this was changed for Ui2 which uses two core wires and smaller connectors.... the 11 speed Dura-Ace Di2 uses the same wiring as the 10 speed Ui2 as such Dura-Ace Di2 9070 11 speed components such as satellite shifters and official seat post battery, standard shifters will work on all existing 10 speed Ui2 systems.
Remember upgrading to 11 speed Di2 will require you to change your wheels as well unless your bike comes with wheels which take an 11 speed cassette.

Upgrading Ui2 to Di2 is not financially viable, with 11 speed even less so, you would be better saving up and selling your Ui2 and replacing it with a complete kit.
I had an 11 speed kit in my hands recently with a view to using it on my new build, in the end the limitations of the new system made me decide again on 10 speed Dura-Ace di2 which remains the knock out product imho :boxing:

So the answer is a long winded yes you can
Mr Haematocrit

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
10 Speed Dura Ace Di2 full wiring diagram - use full when making custom shifters


Examples of DIY custom shift buttons


Mr Haematocrit

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
My own preference is to find crashed bits on ebay and reset them, alternatively sending them back to Shimano for repair usually works out well.
I have equally had success in purchasing complete bikes breaking them and selling the bits I do not want, this can work out cost effective.
Currently it seems LBS stores are finding people only want the 11speed while 2012 bikes with Di2 still retain high value, you can sometimes get them to break the bike as they can move the discounted frame and wheels easier than the entire bike. I have had bargains in this manner.

Other bargain options are to buy the mechs and make your own loom, battery and shifters which can be upgraded as more money becomes available.
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