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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Cyclist don’t need big arm or chest muscles (sprinting may be an exception) so cyclist don’t work in developing them. Muscle bulk requires blood, oxygen and food, which could be better used by the legs. Furthermore it’s unwanted and useless mass to have to carry.
Rockn Robin

Rockn Robin

Senior Member
Yes, it's a very well known fact that Bradley has suffered from asthma, but some numpties like to forget that fact
Considering what came out from Froome's use of asthma meds, it must be a juggling act with the drug. Froome had mentioned that he used the legal dosages from his inhaler, but it showed us as an overdose.
Rockn Robin

Rockn Robin

Senior Member
Cyclist don’t need big arm or chest muscles (sprinting may be an exception) so cyclist don’t work in developing them. Muscle bulk requires blood, oxygen and food, which could be better used by the legs. Furthermore it’s unwanted and useless mass to have to carry.
That sounds logical. Never thought of that.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
Considering what came out from Froome's use of asthma meds, it must be a juggling act with the drug. Froome had mentioned that he used the legal dosages from his inhaler, but it showed us as an overdose.
Froome used a tue back in 2014 for an asthma drug.....I'm not talking about his current misdemeanour that was classed as a non issue after nearly 10mths by the uci
Rockn Robin

Rockn Robin

Senior Member
Froome used a tue back in 2014 for an asthma drug.....I'm not talking about his current misdemeanour that was classed as a non issue after nearly 10mths by the uci
Being dismissed, but he sure got a lot of flack from bystanders booing him. I found that rather disturbing. But, on the other hand, I can understand their frustrations perhaps based on the fiasco that came out from Armstrong's blatant lying and abuse he gave to others.
Cyclist don’t need big arm or chest muscles (sprinting may be an exception) so cyclist don’t work in developing them. Muscle bulk requires blood, oxygen and food, which could be better used by the legs. Furthermore it’s unwanted and useless mass to have to carry.


Legendary Member
Armstrong and Froome are two completely different cases. The former a nasty bullying Alpha-male Texan redneck who ruined the lives of several others in his obsessive drive for power and status. The latter, completely opposite in character and riding clean despite what the French media keep alleging. I believe they dislike Froome because he personifies clean-living Protestant aestheticism where the French would prefer a tanned, handsome, charismatic womanising Latin type, the sort of man who looks like he would drink all your Claret and get your daughter pregnant.
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More wheels than sense
They key to all this doping lark is; My favourite rider is 100% clean despite everything and the riders I don't like are 100% doping despite the lack of evidence.
Rockn Robin

Rockn Robin

Senior Member
Armstrong and Froome are two completely different cases. The former a nasty bullying Alpha-male Texan redneck who ruined the lives of several others in his obsessive drive for power and status. The latter, completely opposite in character and riding clean despite what the French media keep alleging. I believe they dislike Froome because he personifies clean-living Protestant aestheticism where the French would prefer a tanned, hansome, charismatic womanising Latin type, the sort of man who looks like he would drink all your Claret and get your daughter pregnant.
Yes, I agree. Your analogy of Armstrong is bang on. In my mind, he should be behind bars for what he did. I like Froome. He's a humble likable guy. I just didn't like how the fans treated him, and because of that, I assumed that they are fed up with any news of doping.


Look at Sagan now. He’s not a pure climber and obviously never will be. He has some muscle all over though. He’s a good one day racer and almost a sprinter. Much is down to genetics.
If I lose a good amount of weight I can gain a few seconds on the climbs but then lose power and aggression in other areas. To the non pro riders skinny is pointless especially if you have a heavy manual job.


Legendary Member
Armstrong and Froome are two completely different cases. The former a nasty bullying Alpha-male Texan redneck who ruined the lives of several others in his obsessive drive for power and status. The latter, completely opposite in character and riding clean despite what the French media keep alleging. I believe they dislike Froome because he personifies clean-living Protestant aestheticism where the French would prefer a tanned, hansome, charismatic womanising Latin type, the sort of man who looks like he would drink all your Claret and get your daughter pregnant.

I'm kinda liking the French more and more!


As I recall both Wiggins and Froome are asthmatic, and both use salbutamol. I do too; it's more commonly known (in the UK at least) as Ventolin - the blue inhaler thing. As far as I know there are no demonstrable benefits of using loads of it - in asthma your airways constrict making breathing difficult. Salbutaomol opens them up again, so you can breather normally. What it doesn't do it make them bigger than their natural size. It levels the field, but it does not and cannot give an 'advantage' even if you exceed the dose.

The drug that is involved with the questions around Wiggins was a powerful, rarely used drug for hay fever - triamcinolone - which perhaps coincidentally has a potential side-effect of helping people lose weight. It was given as an injection which raised questions in the medical community as it as seen as an absolute last resort treatment.


Legendary Member
I can claim to have a genuine insight into the Wiggins case. My regular cycling buddy is a physician who trained with Richard Freeman the Sky and BC doctor. He says that Freeman is a likeable guy and a good doctor but his personal life is a mess and his professional life especially record-keeping a disaster. My buddy agrees with me that Sky were embarrassed at the incompetence rather than any drug misuse but as always the media prefers conspiracy to boring old cockup.
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