SMIDSY by a copper tonight

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New Member
Travelling north on the A21 to home I was filtering on the right of two lanes of stationary traffic due to red lights. Lights turned green and traffic started moving. Suddenly I saw a van on my left turning right. I shouted out but he managed to clip me knocking me to the ground.

Don't you think that this was a forseeable outcome of passing to the right of queueing traffic at a junction?

Whether indicating or not, any vehicle in lane 2 may well turn right at the junction and I would be very careful indeed with filtering where I couldn't be sure of reaching my ASL before the lights go green. If I can't be certain of reaching the ASL I'll look for a space to slot into within either lane. I'd never put myself to the side (either one) of any vehicle where it may turn into another road, it's just not worth the risk of being side-swiped.

I am not defending the police driver who certainly ought to have checked his mirror prior to turning but, given how squishy we are, we need to be anticipating the possible manoeuvres of drivers.

Glad you weren't seriously hurt and the bike's okay.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Although it's not for me to tell you what to do, but really?

I'd thought just making sure that the Cop recieves a severe bollocking at the very least?

Because at the end of the day this is driving without due care. You are perfectly entitled to filter on the outside of slow moving traffic. And for arguments sake, lets say the driver did indicate, you are only indicating your intention. You should still check your mirrors before you move.

Anyway, glad you are ok and the bike is unharmed (most important!)

Well as Coppercycist said in a previous post. The accident will be looked at by his superiors and actioned accordingly.

Re my quote take it further. I did mean compensation for what ever reason.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Don't you think that this was a forseeable outcome of passing to the right of queueing traffic at a junction?

Whether indicating or not, any vehicle in lane 2 may well turn right at the junction and I would be very careful indeed with filtering where I couldn't be sure of reaching my ASL before the lights go green. If I can't be certain of reaching the ASL I'll look for a space to slot into within either lane. I'd never put myself to the side (either one) of any vehicle where it may turn into another road, it's just not worth the risk of being side-swiped.

I am not defending the police driver who certainly ought to have checked his mirror prior to turning but, given how squishy we are, we need to be anticipating the possible manoeuvres of drivers.

Glad you weren't seriously hurt and the bike's okay.

We wasn't at the junction, he was doing a u-turn.


New Member
We wasn't at the junction, he was doing a u-turn.

Then maybe you could clarify the sequence of events because you originally describe passing along the offside of waiting traffic due to traffic lights, vehicles just starting to move off and then a van suddenly turning right which hits you.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Then maybe you could clarify the sequence of events because you originally describe passing along the offside of waiting traffic due to traffic lights, vehicles just starting to move off and then a van suddenly turning right which hits you.

The traffic was backed up due to traffic lights. Traffic can back up very quickly and then move off just as quick in London.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Phew, glad you're mostly OK Ian!!! My mate works at Catford, I hope like 'k it's not him. Name wasn't Jason or Dan by any chance?

Don't tell me, you were considering buying a camera, and it caused this crash!!!!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Phew, glad you're mostly OK Ian!!! My mate works at Catford, I hope like 'k it's not him. Name wasn't Jason or Dan by any chance?

Don't tell me, you were considering buying a camera, and it caused this crash!!!!

Dunno his name Mike. Older generation though.
Camera did cross my mind...then left it very quickly as I faceplanted :whistle:^_^
Dunno his name Mike. Older generation though.
Camera did cross my mind...then left it very quickly as I faceplanted :whistle:^_^

Any lasting damage...or have they repaired the road now?
Best wishes Ian - just seen this, and I like your outlook. Any pics of your shiny bike knocking about also? You were lucky - I fitted new aero bars and Cane Creek levers to mine and I got rammed last week, waiting behind a bus at traffic lights. I went down, levers all scratched , looked round and there she was - about 20 stones of pedestrian had started crossing the road, walked into my back wheel without looking and was lying there as though she had been poleaxed by an elephant gun. Two blokes got out of their van to help her but no-one cared about me, so I'm jealous of all the attention you got.:tongue:
Probably useful to consider buying another bike though...just in case.:whistle: Cheers - see you soon.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Any lasting damage...or have they repaired the road now?
Best wishes Ian - just seen this, and I like your outlook. Any pics of your shiny bike knocking about also? You were lucky - I fitted new aero bars and Cane Creek levers to mine and I got rammed last week, waiting behind a bus at traffic lights. I went down, levers all scratched , looked round and there she was - about 20 stones of pedestrian had started crossing the road, walked into my back wheel without looking and was lying there as though she had been poleaxed by an elephant gun. Two blokes got out of their van to help her but no-one cared about me, so I'm jealous of all the attention you got.:tongue:
Probably useful to consider buying another bike though...just in case.:whistle: Cheers - see you soon.

Arf. That part of the A21 will now forever be refereed to as Faceplant Way.. Shiny new bikes pics here squire.


Über Member
I dunno. I've been clipped while on a new bike on a couple of occasions. I seemed to have instinctively made sure that I got to the tarmac before the bike. I have a very clear image of sliding down the A200 on my arse while holding my brand new Cannondale in the air.

Heal soon Ian and I'm glad the bike made it.
I can relate to this, when I got flattened 3 weeks ago I'm still mourning the loss of my roadie!:sad:
Get well soon too x


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I understand that. I was hoping for clarification of the events leading up to the collision.

1: Traffic was backed up due to lights, backed up a good way from the junction.
2: I was filtering along the inside
3: Traffic started moving due to lights going green
4: We are still away from the junction
5: Traffic is just crawling forward
6: I travel a little faster then the the traffic ready to signal and cut in
7: We are still away from the junction
8: Van suddenly turned right to do a U-Turn before the junction
9: Van did not indicate
10: I did not see the van indicate as I passed it
11. Independent witness confirmed van did not indicate
12: Copper admitted he did not see me

Is that enough clarification for you?
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