Smoking ............... No more.

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I quit 2 years ago (there is a post on this forum somewhere) and i still get the odd "wheres my fags" urge.

And i tell you now, when i type "i quit 2 years ago" it feels good.

Still remember you starting the thread as if it only yesterday.
How time fly's.
Well done Pete.


Have you stopped again. ?
Not had a fag for couple of years now(maybe one when bladdered !) But I'd be lieing to say I never fancy one.Another one who's misses would cut them off if she caught me

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Not had a fag for couple of years now(maybe one when bladdered !) But I'd be lieing to say I never fancy one.Another one who's misses would cut them off if she caught me

Mr Dragon would not be a happy dragon if I started again. I must admit that now and again I feel the urge so to speak, but luckily it only lasts a couple of minutes. Take deep breaths and concentrate on someting else till the feeling passes


I'm pretty sure I'm done with them.Especially now there's no smoking in pubs.Went to Poland last year and looked nice with a pint in pub,but soon got over it.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I was talking to one of my neighbours today. She is talking about giving up. She never smokes in the house and said the reason being is that she doesn't want it to smell of smoke. Trying to be very tactful I said her house does smell of smoke. She may smoke outside but the smell sticks to her clothes and her hair and she just brings it back into the house.
She then said that that was even more of a reason to give up the fags.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Not had a fag for couple of years now(maybe one when bladdered !) But I'd be lieing to say I never fancy one.Another one who's misses would cut them off if she caught me
You have done well to stay off of the fags for 2 years. The longer the time off of them the less likekey you are of starting again.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I was talking to one of my neighbours today. She is talking about giving up. She never smokes in the house and said the reason being is that she doesn't want it to smell of smoke. Trying to be very tactful I said her house does smell of smoke. She may smoke outside but the smell sticks to her clothes and her hair and she just brings it back into the house.
She then said that that was even more of a reason to give up the fags.

Thats the problem. We kid oursleves that no one can smell the cigs, when In fact it is all over us. It's only after we give up that we can smell it on other people and realise just how bad it was.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
To be honest with you all I am just so mad that it took me 40 years to give up. When I think of how much money I have wasted it just makes me very angry with myself. I can't believe I was so stupid, and allowed cigarettes to rule my life. What an idiot I was.


Not to hard for me as have young kids,so the guilt would eat away at me,plus im into my bike again so it doesn't do me any favours trying to light up whilst cycling !


To be honest with you all I am just so mad that it took me 40 years to give up. When I think of how much money I have wasted it just makes me very angry with myself. I can't believe I was so stupid, and allowed cigarettes to rule my life. What an idiot I was.
I know what you mean,still baffles me


South Somerset
To be honest with you all I am just so mad that it took me 40 years to give up. When I think of how much money I have wasted it just makes me very angry with myself. I can't believe I was so stupid, and allowed cigarettes to rule my life. What an idiot I was.

When i started at about 15 it was cool.

30 years later wheezing and gasping, it wasn't cool

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
When i started at about 15 it was cool.

30 years later wheezing and gasping, it wasn't cool

I am ashamed to say I was 12. Started when I went to high school. Thought I looked dead cool. DOH. Dead stupid. When I started cycling again late august, I thought I was having a heart attack after just a couple of miles.
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