Sore legs

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Active Member
Out on my bike now and just really started putting in the miles. Definitely enjoying it apart from the sore legs.

I struggle a bit afterwards and through my cycle run to maintain a steady pace and suffer just now from sore aching legs. I'm trying to keep a decent steady pace about 10mph. I'm also trying a run of around 20 miles to try and build my fitness and stamina. Afterwards it's taking me a day or so to actually recover and go again.

Anyone suggest things to try to alleviate this soreness or is it just a case of riding through it to loosen off and build up my muscles etc. any stretching exercises I can try ?

Thanks. Hutch

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
If starting from scratch it does take a few rides to get the muscles used to the exercise. It will improve.

Bee-in-bonnet time :whistle:: Is your saddle set to the right height for you? I find it quite common for new cyclists to have it set too low which will make the legs ache and make pedalling harder than it needs to be.


Active Member
When I got the bike, it was all measured and set up for me. I know what your saying though about the seat height as I don't think I'm stretching my legs correctly as I pedal. It seems to me that I'm too compact so I feel I don't get 100% power from each revolution if that makes sense.


Über Member
Sit on the saddle with your heel on the pedal at the bottom of the stroke: your leg should then be almost straight for the correct sadlde height. On many modern bikes this means that you will then be unable to put a foot to the ground, as the BB is often too high! As your legs have not been pedalling for some time (years?) they will have to make muscle before you can sustain power without pain!


Legendary Member
As Brommyboy said.
I have no idea how old you are or how long since you have (seriously) cycled but those things have a massive impact on how long it takes to get "bike fit".
I am knocking on (68 this year) and I have a much younger friend who is seriously into fitness i.e. gym & yoga. We did a 20 mile ride last Saturday and I am fine but his legs have been sore ever since as he is not "bike fit"


Kilometre nibbler
Also perhaps you are riding in a higher gear than optimal. Cadence is a personal thing but my personal motto - which may not suit everyone - is "if in doubt, change down a bit" (ie spin the pedals a bit faster).


Active Member
Cheers for the advice, I'm 49 now and 14stone and reasonably fit. I'm getting back into a fitness routine again and always liked to cycle. I take the advice as well about being Bike Fit so it may just be a case of building up and getting used to being back in the saddle again.

The routes I take just now are quite varied and not flat so I get a varied work out, just struggling on some of the hills.


Banned member
South West
Out on my bike now and just really started putting in the miles. Definitely enjoying it apart from the sore legs.

I struggle a bit afterwards and through my cycle run to maintain a steady pace and suffer just now from sore aching legs. I'm trying to keep a decent steady pace about 10mph. I'm also trying a run of around 20 miles to try and build my fitness and stamina. Afterwards it's taking me a day or so to actually recover and go again.

Anyone suggest things to try to alleviate this soreness or is it just a case of riding through it to loosen off and build up my muscles etc. any stretching exercises I can try ?

Thanks. Hutch
I have been cycling for decades and still get sore legs - some things never change. The only difference is that I now cycle further and faster - legs still hurt though - isn't that the fun of cycling? Even the pros get sore legs.


Out on my bike now and just really started putting in the miles. Definitely enjoying it apart from the sore legs.

I struggle a bit afterwards and through my cycle run to maintain a steady pace and suffer just now from sore aching legs. I'm trying to keep a decent steady pace about 10mph. I'm also trying a run of around 20 miles to try and build my fitness and stamina. Afterwards it's taking me a day or so to actually recover and go again.

Anyone suggest things to try to alleviate this soreness or is it just a case of riding through it to loosen off and build up my muscles etc. any stretching exercises I can try ?

Thanks. Hutch
some of these bike shops dont have a clue,how to measure you,get a stick,a spirit level would be better,put it between your legs were the saddle goes and put a mark on a door frame,then measure the hight of the pedal from the ground,add these two measurments,and thats the hight of your saddle,mine is at 38 inch


Rural Quebec
Sore muscles are the result of a build up of lactic acid and stuff (too technical?) the body uses to aid recovery and replace muscle lost in the effort and is perfectly normal. I don't think it is necessary to fully recover before you go again but make sure you warm up properly and stretch when warm, massage will help.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Out on my bike now and just really started putting in the miles. Definitely enjoying it apart from the sore legs.

I struggle a bit afterwards and through my cycle run to maintain a steady pace and suffer just now from sore aching legs. I'm trying to keep a decent steady pace about 10mph. I'm also trying a run of around 20 miles to try and build my fitness and stamina. Afterwards it's taking me a day or so to actually recover and go again.

Anyone suggest things to try to alleviate this soreness or is it just a case of riding through it to loosen off and build up my muscles etc. any stretching exercises I can try ?

Thanks. Hutch

Long days of mountain hiking are my thing. I'm 58 now and can still do really hefty mountain days and I cannot remember ever not feeling a bit sore in the legs the day after. It's a product of a good workout imo.

Just carry on pedaling away and don't overdo it or fret about improving 'too slow'.

Christ knows why cycling is so often about being quicker/faster.


Active Member
It's actually all the muscles in my legs that ache after a cycle. My heels especially are sore but that's another thing caused by playing a lot of golf (plantar fasciitis)

It's probably a combination of being relatively active again on the bike after a long time plus being a wee bit unfit. My legs are like jelly after a ride and are sore after a while back home again. I'm sure it will sort itself out with the advice on the thread.


Legendary Member
Spin your legs in an easy gear and give yourself a rest day occasionally to allow your body to recover. Your fitness will soon build up.
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