South Birmingham and Black Country Social Ride

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No longer a Specialized fanboy

Do you all cycle to the start point, or is there somewhere to park the car nearby?

Im 15 miles away, so dont want to be to cream-crakered before starting! (And the ride from Walsall to the start point aint scenic or fun)


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I parked on Woodman Close the first time I did this run - just North of the start point on the way out of Halesowen. Just residential, but safe and plenty of space.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
My first thoughts are this route:
or (please ignore the details of the link) this one for an easier ride:

Generally, our experience is that if you do a regular 6 mile commute each day, either is possible.

Both have to go up St Kenelm's pass. Although this is steep, there is the potential for a very nice bacon buttie at the top.

Don't worry we won't leave you behind. I did this route when I was much less fit than I am now, so would recommend it for most people.

This picture compares the elevations of the two options:


No longer a Specialized fanboy

Whens the next one? and will it be one of those routes posted ealier?

Also, here is the garmin trace of my usual commute back from the gym. Compared to your ride its fairly flat, the only climbs are shortish and shallow. One is half a mile up the Wolverhampton Road at 3 miles, and another half miler just after mile 4. This was done on the Tricross with mudguards and my gym stuff in the trunk bag, if I come out with you I will be on the Secteur.


Does it look like I would hold you guys up too much? I really wouldnt want to be a burden and stop anyone else training while they waited for me.

EDIT: I always stop my garmin some distance from my home!


No longer a Specialized fanboy
Do you think I will be OK with your pace? I know you say you wait, but recently I havent done many rides more than 10-15 miles so I could start flagging after that and I really wouldnt want to spoil anyones day by waiting for me.

Thinkng about it, I will have my 705 with me so I should be able to find my way back to my car and if I had one of your phone numbers I could text you when I hit my limit and start to pootle back.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
We are a group of friends out riding, not a club, so you will definitely be OK with our pace. We'll make sure.
Distance sounds about OK. Look forward to seeing you and finding out what you are capable of. And I'm sure that you'll have fun doing the same.


No longer a Specialized fanboy
The weather by me (m6 junction 10) has just gone quite nice, if a little windy.

Giving serious thought to putting the bike in the car and having a look at those hills...

EDIT: It looked a bit grey to the south, so I took the secteur on my usual commute route...

This is about as quick as I could do it, not much traffic but a bit of a stiff headwind in places.


Well-Known Member
Hi Chaps,

sorry i havnt been out to play this year.......I actually havnt been out on the bike much this year at all.

I have been having a few issues mainly health again

Im currently expecting pt 2 of the kidney stone saga
after the car accident last year i have been undergoing tests to work out what is going on with my neck and left arm. xray didnt pick up the whole story.
I had a chest infection last november which developed into a serious infection which appears to have done something with my lungs, i cant breath properly....undergoing more tests
Then was diagnosed with ME (CFS) and pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficient).
then had a violent alergic reaction to vitamin B12 tablets, gave me what was initially suspected as a heart attack, blood pressure of 165/105. still got a couple of issues from that.

to top it all off i left my job, had a couple of months off and am now contracting, so i can balance work/life/health.

Once im feeling better, ill try to get out, then catch up with you all.

Please keep in touch as I will be back.



New Member
Hi BrumJim,

Thanks for the offer - would love to join you guys but not just yet...

..and here are the excuses.

We've only had the bikes on the road for a few days and only managed a ten mile trip which, for one reason or another (not bike related) was dogged with problems. So as yet neither bike has had a good shake down and for that matter neither have we!

We have a couple of 25 milers lined up that we have done on all of our bikes that we would like to do first - just to get a feel for our "new" pace and of course for our "new" distance. Once we have a grip on those we'll be with you...

..and on that note. What is the plan for meeting up? Do you drive (am I being a wimp here?) to the start? Otherwise on your next trip we'd be adding 30 odd more miles to the total.

Catch you up soon,

Mark and Karen
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