Stopping and helping a fellow cyclist.

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On the way home from a late shift in an unlit rural part of the commute, I came across a cyclist who'd come off his bike and the chain had jammed 'twixt the inner chainwheel and the bottom bracket. He was having major issues trying to free it so I gave a hand. Interesting that he was thoroughly impressed with the amount of tools etc. that I carry as a matter of course ( shades of the 'What do you carry' thread here - ! ). Managed to pry enough free with a spanner to be able to pull it clear with my hands, but ruined a pair of gloves in the process - ! Before you ask, poly gloves would have torn in the process, the chain was that badly wedged. He was even more surprised when I produced a pack of travel wipes for him to get the worst of the grease off his hands - ! :laugh:
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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I tend to offer help unless against a deadline but I have been wary since the pandemic. You don't know where their bike has been! ;)

Mrs M

On the way home from a late shift in an unlit rural part of the commute, I came across a cyclist who'd come off his bike and the chain had jammed 'twixt the inner chainwheel and the bottom bracket. He was having major issues trying to free it so I gave a hand. Interesting that he was thoroughly impressed with the amount of tools etc. that I carry as a matter of course ( shades of the 'What do you carry' thread here - ! ). Managed to pry enough free with a spanner to be able to pull it clear with my hands, but ruined a pair of gloves in the process - ! Before you ask, poly gloves would have torn in the process, the chain was that badly wedged. He was even more surprised when I produced a pack of travel wipes for him to get the worst of the grease off his hands - ! :laugh:
Well done :okay:


An Peanut
I always shout out to cyclists at the side of the road, unless they are in a group and clearly getting on with it. I have only been asked to help a few times, twice with snapped chains (a quick link solved one, shortening the chain the other) and some tubes. I am always happy to stop and help, you never know when you may need the same yourself.


It can be a double edged sword, i will often offer, usually declined but remember on one specific occasion, assisted a guy with a puncture, gave him a tube as his was irreparably damaged, by the time we'd got sorted i only had half hour of my planned hour left.
Lost out on a (full) ride, wasnt bothered about a tube but did have a warm glow and as battered suggests above, nice to have a chat with people sometimes.


Über Member
Is amazing the number of people that go out with no tubes, no tools etc then rely on the kindness of others!
From the other side of the puncture - not long after I'd graduated, when I was a new physics technician at a hospital, I was riding my 49cc Raleigh moped home one one winter weekend. It was about 7pm on a Friday night and I climbing on a main road on the edge of the Peak District before turning off to my home village when suddenly pfffffft.
Of course it was raining and dark and there were no street lights ... a bunch of Hells Angels or some such came roaring round the bend. Aaaaargh! They screeched to a halt, parked their motorbikes in a nearby gateway and strode back towards me. Wordlessly they fixed my puncture, replaced the wheel, pumped up the tyre, fiddled with the 2-stroke engine until ran as smooth as velvet and walked off with a cheery 'see YA!' while all the time I cowered in the very slight shelter afforded by a hedge.


Itching to get back on my bike's
I always shout out to cyclists at the side of the road, unless they are in a group and clearly getting on with it. I have only been asked to help a few times, twice with snapped chains (a quick link solved one, shortening the chain the other) and some tubes. I am always happy to stop and help, you never know when you may need the same yourself.

I always offer to help if possible.
Only been taken up on it a few time but it makes you feel good when you do

I have also needed help once - random puncture on a track miles from home and new patches turned out to be useless (cheap Chinese rubbish - serves me right)
A bloke stopped and asked then offered be a self adhesive patch - and a spare just in case.

When I got a slow puncture yesterday a bloke offered to help - but as I was in the process of getting the pump out I didn't need it
2 minutes later I did need it when I found out that the pump was no longer working and trying had taken a soft tyre to a totally flat tyre - naturally no-one else offered to help so I had a 4 mile walk home!!!
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