Sub Bucket List

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Legendary Member
I have done all the things on my Bucket List.

I have done about 2/5ths of the things on my sub bucket list, I won’t lose any sleep if I don’t complete them.

I have never been, nor ever will be recumbent curious, mainly because every person I met with one is far too evangelical about them, too enthusiastic, and enthusiastic people of any description should be avoided at all costs.


I have a couple of friends who have what we call a"farm". Really it's just a couple of fields that they rent out to people who put sheep on them. But the amount of WORK that there is. Just tons of little stuff. There's always some job or another and I'm always knackered after a visit.

And of course feel very worthy like I've been "back to the land" cos I cut some hedges back or lugged some stuff from one place to another.

I do it in return for daughters horse riding,
I love it!
It's been a real life saver for me ATM!!
I have done all the things on my Bucket List.

I have done about 2/5ths of the things on my sub bucket list, I won’t lose any sleep if I don’t complete them.

I have never been, nor ever will be recumbent curious, mainly because every person I met with one is far too evangelical about them, too enthusiastic, and enthusiastic people of any description should be avoided at all costs.

I'm only evangelical to get a better price for my recumbent. I'm pretending not to want to sell it to get a better price. Shhh! Don't tell anyone! If I was honest and told people they're nothing special I'd not get even my money back on it!


Legendary Member
I did have something on my bucket list that once I gave it go, I didn’t like it very much.
Before trying it I always thought I’d like to get a Private Pilots License. I had a few goes , half a dozen or so and thought, nah, can’t be arsed with all this, so I knocked it on the head.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Its still a good shout.

I went over the council ferry at Corran, and it was a cracking cycle from there.

From Ballachulish to Corran you have the horrible A82 but there is a cycle path of sorts. Very narrow and right against the carriageway mostly I remember. Looks like a footpath but I think it is designated for bikes. The road on the other side heading west is not too bad as traffic comes in waves depending on ferry sailings. I have cycled it several times when touring but had well over 100 trips by van when I was working and now detest driving on it.


I always thought I’d like to get a Private Pilots License

I worked with quite a few pilots, and always had a bit of a hankering to learn to fly, but as I don't much like getting thrown around even on roller coasters I didn't really rate my chances of being able to stick bits like recovering from a spin etc. The g-forces on a glider tow were about my limit.


From Ballachulish to Corran you have the horrible A82 but there is a cycle path of sorts. Very narrow and right against the carriageway mostly I remember. Looks like a footpath but I think it is designated for bikes. The road on the other side heading west is not too bad as traffic comes in waves depending on ferry sailings. I have cycled it several times when touring but had well over 100 trips by van when I was working and now detest driving on it.

Yeah, I cycled that a couple of times and its horrendous. Crumbling surface and going past lots of driveways and the obvious traffic coming past you at speed. That's one bit you would need to give serious consideration to just taking the road.


Putrid Donut
Every so often a thread pops up here which reminds me that I'd really like to try an Infinity saddle. As I've never had much trouble with saddles (a good old Flying Fortress seems to cover all bases) and as I'd probably have to import it from America at eye-watering cost, I feel it's unlikely to happen. But not impossible.
Go to London; I've done it twice in my 59 years on this planet, & that's at least once too often
Go cave-diving; to me, that's one of the craziest things anyone can do!

'Zip-lining'?? The logical part of the brain tells you that everything is tested, rated w-a-y above what it needs to be
The 'chimp' part of the brain is yelling out "Danger, stop, get off!!!"
The closest I've been is to descend Gaping GIll, sat in that bosuns chair - more like a kiddies swing - & head down/sideway/backward
It's over 320 foot, from leaving the surface to touching the cave floor!
The worst part of that is when you're in the chair, ready for the descent & they pull the planks out from under your feet (bit like a hangman, with the trapdoor!!)

North Yorkshire Scenes. Clapham. Gaping Gill. 2.JPG

North Yorkshire Scenes. Clapham. Gaping Gill. 3. Internal.JPG


Go to London; I've done it twice in my 59 years on this planet, & that's at least once too often
Go cave-diving; to me, that's one of the craziest things anyone can do!

'Zip-lining'?? The logical part of the brain tells you that everything is tested, rated w-a-y above what it needs to be
The 'chimp' part of the brain is yelling out "Danger, stop, get off!!!"
The closest I've been is to descend Gaping GIll, sat in that bosuns chair - more like a kiddies swing - & head down/sideway/backward
It's over 320 foot, from leaving the surface to touching the cave floor!
The worst part of that is when you're in the chair, ready for the descent & they pull the planks out from under your feet (bit like a hangman, with the trapdoor!!)

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View attachment 731622

Zip wires are great fun you get used to it. Exeter go ape, has some good ones, once you trust the Wire your fine.

Like you it's the jumping into thin air that I don't like!!


Kilometre nibbler
Go to London; I've done it twice in my 59 years on this planet, & that's at least once too often
This is things you haven't done but wouldn't really mind trying. Not things you have done and don't want to do again. :smile:

'Zip-lining'?? The logical part of the brain tells you that everything is tested, rated w-a-y above what it needs to be
The 'chimp' part of the brain is yelling out "Danger, stop, get off!!!"
The closest I've been is to descend Gaping GIll, sat in that bosuns chair - more like a kiddies swing - & head down/sideway/backward
It's over 320 foot, from leaving the surface to touching the cave floor!
The worst part of that is when you're in the chair, ready for the descent & they pull the planks out from under your feet (bit like a hangman, with the trapdoor!!)

I used to go caving, which involved lots of daft abseiling, in my youth. I don't have to do it again.

I remember distinctly being perched over a precipitous cave entrance demonstrating to an instructor how I had carefully checked that the ropes and wotnots were all correctly done in my descender and he gave me an "I'm surrounded by idiots" look and said "haven't you forgotten something?" Oh yes. The descender wasn't attached to me. Oops.


The worst part of that is when you're in the chair, ready for the descent & they pull the planks out from under your feet
If you're 6' 5" tall, the worst bit is where the shaft narrows to the point where the rocks are brushing against your knees, I was sat there thinking "another inch, and I'm going to lose my kneecaps here". I liked going down, but I wouldn't risk going a second time just in case the guide wire gets installed in a slightly different position.
"haven't you forgotten something?" Oh yes. The descender wasn't attached to me. Oops.
I once went to see a slide show and lecture by Doug Scott, one story he told was of an occasion when he was bivouacing on a narrow ledge several thousand feet up a sheer rock face. He woke up from a dream about paying attention to detail, and found that he'd forgotten to clip his harness on.
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