Tales from today's commute....

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Glow worm

Legendary Member
Relieved to have made it home safely tonight for my last commute of the year, as was worried about pished up drivers weaving their merry way home from the office party. It was fine thankfully, quite quiet in fact and a nice tail wind as a bonus.

Going in earlier was different. Just when you think you've seen every dumb thing drivers can pull off, they surprise you by doing something even dumber. Had an attempted rat running half- wit trying to drive through this ped/ cycle tunnel (below) under the A14 at Quy. They'd got themselves completely stuck, which was amusing if slightly annoying. You do wonder how these boneheads manage to wipe their own ar$es let alone drive a car!

Relieved to have made it home safely tonight for my last commute of the year, as was worried about pished up drivers weaving their merry way home from the office party. It was fine thankfully, quite quiet in fact and a nice tail wind as a bonus.

Going in earlier was different. Just when you think you've seen every dumb thing drivers can pull off, they surprise you by doing something even dumber. Had an attempted rat running half- wit trying to drive through this ped/ cycle tunnel (below) under the A14 at Quy. They'd got themselves completely stuck, which was amusing if slightly annoying. You do wonder how these boneheads manage to wipe their own ar$es let alone drive a car!

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Been under there a few times!
Its a small world!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
Decided to finish a day early, so Thursday was my last commute. Escalated from the theft on Wednesday. Spoke to security and found out the thieves had actually gone in via the internal door, not the broken external one. The magnetic lock wasn't strong, so they just tugged the door. The security guard showed me. Three of us then wheeled the bikes in via the delivery entrance and mine sat by my desk.

The facilities manager wasn't happy, but when I told him the parking wasn't fit for purpose, he shut up. There were three full bikes and two folders in by then. Fortunately, there was bugger all he could do to me.

Decided to take today off, couldn't be bothered with the hassle. Went and picked up new tyres from Halfords. God Durano Pluss tyres are much heavier than Mich Pro 4 Endurance. Should be the end to punctures.


Über Member
I had another one on the way home tonight. I'm on the fast, down hill, twisty turny blind bit doing nearly 30 mph (the speed limit on that section) when a BMW comes round me causing the oncoming car to have to virtually stop. The BMW moron then slows right down! I had to follow him for half a mile. I wish I'd had the opportunity to pass him but it's all narrow bits, roundabouts and junctions after that bit.
Awful weather, missus CC made me drive in. Didn't fancy dying on my last commute of the year either really. I did want to cycle, but as I stepped out the door in my cycling clobber my foot was blown side ways. No thank you, quick change and off in the car. :sad:


Just call me Chris...
Sodding ferocious headwind again! Thought the roads would be quiet as well this week but still busy.


Senior Member
That wind on blackpool front was unbearable today. Somehow managed it yesterday with a stinkin hangover. Had to weave down roads just off it to escape the worst of it. Doesn't help my elswick only has a single big chainring too. Could have done with a small one at times!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Wind wasn't too bad in SE London this morning, a few gusts and a headwind sometimes but nothing too taxing. Was very dark when I left at 7.30am though. Nice to ride in with very little traffic on the road. Bleedin' warm too. Only had a this LS jersey and a Windcheater on and I was sweating buckets.

On the A21 met up with a fellow all year rounder who has a fair lick on him. We shared the lead and bombed along at a fair old pace which helped raise the average a bit. Always nice to share the load.


Über Member
It didn't seem too bad when I left. I left on time and was planning a gentle ride in. It was mild and blowy but not too bad. 1.5 miles in I remembered I'd forgotten my work trousers. Turned for home. There was a tail wind so it didn't take long to get home. Getting going again was a struggle though. The second half of my journey was into some very strong wind. I nearly stopped a few times, the wind was that strong. I made it to the office 20 minutes late and sweating profusely.


Tights of Cydonia
Relieved to have made it home safely tonight for my last commute of the year, as was worried about pished up drivers weaving their merry way home from the office party. It was fine thankfully, quite quiet in fact and a nice tail wind as a bonus.

Going in earlier was different. Just when you think you've seen every dumb thing drivers can pull off, they surprise you by doing something even dumber. Had an attempted rat running half- wit trying to drive through this ped/ cycle tunnel (below) under the A14 at Quy. They'd got themselves completely stuck, which was amusing if slightly annoying. You do wonder how these boneheads manage to wipe their own ar$es let alone drive a car!

View attachment 74749

Drive through that ? Staggeringly daft but would have made a great picture.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Drive through that ? Staggeringly daft but would have made a great picture.

It was the other end of the tunnel they were attempting to drive through but the Google Streetview folks, perhaps understandably, had not pictured that end as its a cycle path. It has a kind of short dog legged approach and the driver had wedged their car in the dog legged bit and was performing a 486 point turn to extricate herself. Remarkable really!


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
'Twas a little blustery to say the least but nice and mild with it. Had a spin out on the bestie which was more fun than the hack, made for a commute that flew by.
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