Tales from today's commute....

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Senior Member
Nothing happend whilst cycling but was in a area in town with a friend and these two guys on mountain
bikes wearing hoodies nearly tried to get my friend with a knife but then we both looked at them they both sped off. So would you guys leave it or tell the police?
I feel i should do something but i don't know if i should
Nothing happend whilst cycling but was in a area in town with a friend and these two guys on mountain
bikes wearing hoodies nearly tried to get my friend with a knife but then we both looked at them they both sped off. So would you guys leave it or tell the police?
I feel i should do something but i don't know if i should

Certainly tell the police.


Senior Member
Certainly tell the police.
I was thinking off that at the time but my friend didn't want to get police involved :/ and i feel i loose my friend as the police will probs have to ask me and my friend. Also what's the best way to tell 101 or Online form or just visit the police station tommorow and mention that way but i know i should tell them it's just my friend


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
What a miserable journey. Wind driven rain for and hour and ten minutes, on roads with many large and deep puddles. Everything bar my top base layer wet through. Currently decorating two radiators set at full heat, trying to get everything dry or at least to damp stage before the majority of work colleagues arrive.
Didn't even have the pleasure of yesterday's weather as a suit and tie and train disruption meant a commute by car. :sad:


What a miserable journey. Wind driven rain for and hour and ten minutes, on roads with many large and deep puddles. Everything bar my top base layer wet through. Currently decorating two radiators set at full heat, trying to get everything dry or at least to damp stage before the majority of work colleagues arrive.
Didn't even have the pleasure of yesterday's weather as a suit and tie and train disruption meant a commute by car. :sad:

Today's ride very similar to this; described the 'weather' as "permeating dampness". Felt shivery and ming when i got into the office.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Cold and wet. Again.
This time last year I was in short sleeves and shorts.

Rainy commute 21 of the year so far, only 6 the same time last year, 31 rainy commutes over all for 2017


Cold and wet. Again.
This time last year I was in short sleeves and shorts.

Rainy commute 21 of the year so far, only 6 the same time last year, 31 rainy commutes over all for 2017

Thought I'd been getting thru the lube. Still, makes the nice days more special :-)
I was thinking off that at the time but my friend didn't want to get police involved :/ and i feel i loose my friend as the police will probs have to ask me and my friend. Also what's the best way to tell 101 or Online form or just visit the police station tommorow and mention that way but i know i should tell them it's just my friend

Don't know, but my rule of thumb is to think about how you'd feel if they did it again / something worse and it could have been stopped. If you ring 101, they'll escalate it if necessary.

I had something similar a few years ago when we were driving into Liverpool and saw some kids waving a gun out of a car window. After thinking about it, we stopped, phoned the emergency number and they got stopped when they tried to enter the tunnel and a gun was found. Don't know whether they were just showing off or ... but it was the right thing to do.


First Monday since the clocks changed yesterday, so I came home a longer route - basically a sort-of-sensible way back but with a bridleway loop added at around the halfway mark. Things I learned:

a) my new light bracket vibrates annoyingly
b) my headset is a little loose
c) I've developed a stiff link in the chain (I'm blaming you, snow) so when you put a lot of force through the pedals it can skip
d) slick road tyres don't like it if you ride along a camber of wet mud. Fortunately I didn't fall in the stream.
e) I don't dtink enough at work
e) I loved it, and my normal commute this morning felt very dull and short.

Sat at my desk, looking at my bike through the window waiting to go home now.


Mildly moist in this morning. Relatively warm though, so could have worn a short sleeve jersey, but didn't, cos I didn't feel like it. On the upside, really impressed with my new sealskin shoe covers.

Yesterday's commute home was less fun, left work to find a flat rear, pumped it up to see if it would hold, and it did, so pumped a bit more and rode home on it. Had to stop after about 8 miles to add some more air in, but still quicker overall than changing the tube would have been. As I was pumping up the second time, noticed a broken right side spoke. Much joy.


Soaked on the outside with the so called light rain shower, but luckily dry on the inside, thank the gods i wore my northwave winter booties, as wet feet on the commute are just a no no :rain:

Thorn Sherpa

Über Member
Pouring it down when I left the house at 5am and it stayed like that all the way to work! Passed some poor sod in trainers tracksuit and viz vest on his bike who looked completely and utterly drenched


Pouring it down when I left the house at 5am and it stayed like that all the way to work! Passed some poor sod in trainers tracksuit and viz vest on his bike who looked completely and utterly drenched

I saw a couple of people much the same on the way in today. Not soaked through, but definitely uncomfortable in the misery drizzle. Feel sorry for them a bit tbh.


Perhaps This One.....
Well that was fun. Wonderful warm evening commute in, light winds and could have kept going past work. Contrasting to this morning, absolutely belting down and a nasty headwind. Just to make it even more fun, my Endura 'waterproof' jacket proved not to be, despite having been Nikwaxed only last week, though the B'Twin trousers proofed at the same time were near perfect.


How far can I go?
Lovely commute in today, tailwind for most of the ride, which means I'll have to fight the wind home, but it should be dying down slightly by then. It was my first commute with panniers and it was a bit strange.
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