That Derren Brown lottery trick

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Chris Sirrus

New Member
rogersavery said:
he claimed live amo was used, but it was later revealed that using live amo was illegal and the film company said something along the lines of 'no law was broken'

He claimed to use blanks.


New Member
Before the trick, he claimed 'the gun and the bullets are real'

OK so he didn't mention if they where live round or blanks, but it is a very misleading statement - which I suppose is what he is all about


It is about misleading people and mind trickery.... him throwing 10 coins in jars and all landing tails up took 2 days of constant filming to capture.

He has 'apparently' been working on this for 1 year. So its a year to create the illusion that he has done it. I dont think it will have been through the use of trick photography, its not his style.

They definately would never rig the lottery for a TV show either thats insane (yes you Joe... your mental!).


New Member
I missed the programme. But watched a repeat of one of his live shows later in the evening. I coould watch him over and over. I think he is a very engaging entertainer. I don't care that some of it may be lies, or bending the truth. It's still very entertaining.


Blackandblue said:
I missed the programme. But watched a repeat of one of his live shows later in the evening. I coould watch him over and over. I think he is a very engaging entertainer. I don't care that some of it may be lies, or bending the truth. It's still very entertaining.

No I agree, he is incredibly clever and its great to watch his shows, the way he does everything. We watched most of the shows on E4 and Channel 4 with him in last night. Which is why I dont think he used trick photograhy last night.

It will be on youtube now I imagine.

Mr Pig

New Member
Chris Sirrus said:
He claimed to use blanks.

At point blank range a blank could still have killed him.

I think he figured out a way of getting the numbers onto the balls, or swapping the balls, whilst they were on that stand.

I watched the following show and was disappointed to realise that most of his tricks would be really easy to do. All he needed was cameras positioned to see what people were looking at/writing down and a communication device to relay the information to him. When you realise that's what he was doing his behavior gave it away.

Twice he got guests to confirm he was not wearing an earpiece. Why? He didn't get them to check anything else.

He go one woman to write down the two-digit number she was thinking of, so that it could be used to verify it later. She put it in her pocket but it was not brought out later, that wasn't its purpose, he just had to see her write it.

The cabby was fed the final destination by Brown in the shows final stunt but everything else was faked. The route that Brown had supposedly drawn before hand and placed in the black envelope, did you notice that Brown took the envelope from the guy? He swapped it.


Started young, and still going.
All tricks and magic are illusions. The magician is skilled in getting the audience to see what the magician wants them to see, not what they should be looking at. It is very clever and the performer, for that is what they are, is to be congratulated on their level of skill.

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
it is all very clever, i like derren brown.

still want to know how David Blaine levitates in his old street shows and pull tax disc from from car windscreens
Paulus said:
All tricks and magic are illusions. The magician is skilled in getting the audience to see what the magician wants them to see, not what they should be looking at. It is very clever and the performer, for that is what they are, is to be congratulated on their level of skill.
Absolutely. It's all "look at what I'm doing here" and meanwhile they're sorting things out over there. But that doesn't stop it being good entertainment.

mr Mag00 said:
it is all very clever, i like derren brown.

still want to know how David Blaine levitates in his old street shows and pull tax disc from from car windscreens
I used to like the throwing the deck of cards at a shop window and the one the punter picked would be stuck on the inside of the window. Shame he went all "how long can I sit in a box?" weird. ;)


Legendary Member
Derren Brown is quite astonishing, and the claim that he uses stooges or hidden earpieces and cunning cameras is risible.

"I think he figured out a way of getting the numbers onto the balls, or swapping the balls, whilst they were on that stand."

...while everyone was watching him, on live tv. Um, yeah, right....


[quote name='swee'pea99']Derren Brown is quite astonishing, and the claim that he uses stooges or hidden earpieces and cunning cameras is risible.

"I think he figured out a way of getting the numbers onto the balls, or swapping the balls, whilst they were on that stand."

...while everyone was watching him, on live tv. Um, yeah, right....[/quote]

It is feasible! I think on Friday IF he actually reveals how he did it, it will be relatively simple. My only emplanations so far are;

He used some sort of laser/inject printer that was at the back of the studio and sprayed the ink onto the balls from behind with immense accuraccy....


Some sort of complex magnets on the balls and on the card he wrote the numbers down on that printed the numbers on the balls.


Harry Potter had that cloak his dad left him and was standing there all the time.

Ok maybe its not one of these....
Rob S

Rob S

New Member
I'm sure it will be great to watch on Friday regardless of how it was done. I recorded the program last night and have watched the draw and reveal section about ten times looking for camera trickery, reflections or shadows that move on the left hand side of the camera, tried to work out what was to gain with the very momentary stall in front of the tv as he walked over to the stand for the reveal...can't work it out.

What he has done in the past.....filmed tossing a coin for 7 hours (iirc) to get a sequence of it landing 10 times in a row on the same side, used over 5000 volunteers to get one person to win all the horse races with his system, when he played 8 grandmaster chess champions plus one average member of public at the same time he was actually using half the grandmassters moves against the other half, has used slight of hand/body behind easel to become the guy dressed as the gorilla on stage, has said random words amongst his explaining during events.....saw 'forget' flash up in the corner of the telly during yesterday's Gathering programme.....any others?


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Wigsie said:
It is about misleading people and mind trickery.... him throwing 10 coins in jars and all landing tails up took 2 days of constant filming to capture.

He has 'apparently' been working on this for 1 year. So its a year to create the illusion that he has done it. I dont think it will have been through the use of trick photography, its not his style.

They definately would never rig the lottery for a TV show either thats insane (yes you Joe... your mental!).

Rubbish, your just are trying to think the best, rather the actual truth!
Give the right man the right amount of money, and you can win the Lottery.

Mr Pig

New Member
swee said:
says[/I] he did it. That's what these guys do. I like Darren Brown too, he's a clever guy and comes across well. He pokes a bit of fun at his stooges sometimes but in a kind way, he never humiliates them. Some of his stuff has me baffled but just because I can't see how he does the things does not mean that they're not just tricks. Of course they are.

I was disappointed by last night's shows because I felt he was getting lazy, focusing on the hype and razmataz, but the tricks themselves were really nothing great. Magicians have been doing exactly the same tricks for hundreds of years.

In days when magicians make aeroplanes disappear Darren Brown really needs to up his game. Or are today's viewers really so easily entertained?


Joe24 said:
Rubbish, your just are trying to think the best, rather the actual truth!
Give the right man the right amount of money, and you can win the Lottery.

You would have to give them millions to win millions.... makes no sense! if they wanted to (and could) rig it why have they not all done it and 'retired' suddenly somewhere nice.
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