That Derren Brown lottery trick

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
Wigsie said:
You would have to give them millions to win millions.... makes no sense! if they wanted to (and could) rig it why have they not all done it and 'retired' suddenly somewhere nice.

Wont make as much money.
If i win a few million, and give them a million out of it, and they do this a few times, they will soon end up with millions of pounds.
Its not just one person doing it, its many.
You watch the balls next time, you will see them curve sometimes. Curve in a mysterious way, which, you will think is the machine and its pusher rounder, but really, its the magnets.
Keep watch, you might see it.

The people that work on the lottery aren't allowed to do it anyway, so rigging is the only way they can get abit more pocket money.


Legendary Member
Joe24 said:
You watch the balls next time, you will see them curve sometimes. Curve in a mysterious way, which, you will think is the machine and its pusher rounder, but really, its the magnets.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
darkstar said:
Hmmm i'm not sure how the thousands of people who play the lottery would feel if the results were rigged for the purpose of a Channel 4 program... The BBC would not have rigged it, there has to be a reasonable explanation for it though, like when he seemingly predicted the results of horse races but in fact did the experiment with thousands of people, to which of course at least one would come out successful.
Brilliant though!

If he was that good he would have bought the winning Lottery Ticket every week and have been somewhere much more interesting on Saturday!


Senior Member
Rob S said:
Just a plothole I guess.

An essential device. He's trickster and he will reveal all on Friday. He can't have chosen the numbers correctly.

The issue is how did he decieve the audience without anyone being able to guess.

I don't have the foggiest though!


garrilla said:
The issue is how did he decieve the audience without anyone being able to guess.

I don't have the foggiest though!

Thats easy! there was no audience :biggrin:

EDIT: Joe you truly are mental! Magnets in the lottery balls.... awesome
Rob S

Rob S

New Member
Wigsie said:
Thats easy! there was no audience :biggrin:

There is an audience....a tv audience. The lack of audience in the studio may cover up how it was done and the plothole does cover up for the fact that the numbers weren't guessed correctly prior to the draw....obviuosly.

Usually these prediction things are based on the member of the public being made to choose the card that has already had a grand effect set up round it through slight of hand....for example the chosen card appearing behind a shop window or a huge version of it appearing on the side of a building etc. But that can't work this time.

What you can be sure of is that the method will show how some of it was done but leave you asking how he did something else....just like in the chess example where he revealed that actually the grandmasters had been playing each other in pairs and he was simply the connection between each pair moving the pieces....leaving you to work out how he had predicted what pieces would be left at the end of each of the games.


New Member
From the Times:

"The thing we must expect of Brown, genius though he is, is that he will lie to us. Last night he claimed that an earlier meeting with Camelot, the lottery organiser, had established that the BBC had exclusive rights to announce the winning numbers first. This meant he could not show us the numbers on his ping-pong balls before the draw was made. But that, surely, was nonsense. It cannot be illegal to announce your prediction. He just didn’t want us to see them."

Interesting point. It would have been really impressive to reveal the numbers just BEFORE the Camelot announcement. And no risk of anyone running off to buy a ticket with those numbers either.

Anyhow, I maintain he is an excellent showman.


New Member
the card behind the shop window is easy

get 2 packs of cards, 1 pack for the stooge inside the shop, 1 back for the audience to choose from
let them pick a card and show it to the camera
the stooge gets the same card and sticks to the inside of the window
place the chosen card inside the pack and through the pack at the window (the audience always have their backs to the window)
when the audience looks around they see the chosen card stuck to the inside of the window and the rest of the cards scattered on the floor - if they looked more closely they would also see the chosen card on the floor too


Lover of things that come in 3's
I used to watch Penn & Teller and also their expose type shows revealing the tricks. I've also seen a couple of the 'secrets of magicians revealed' type shows. Some of it's quite clever and some is just dreadful.

Street levitation anyone - forklift and wires to lift person, editing to make it look wireless and paid stooges to look amazed at levitation - I felt rather cheated, somehow expected more than a special effect.

Having suffered a few minutes each of Paul McKenna and David Copperfield, I decided that their style of stuff was not for me. Not seen anything but trailers re Darren Brown, those reminded me enough of Copperfield to avoid him.

Mr Pig

New Member
Blackandblue said:
Give him a go. He's way better than Copperfield.

I agree. He's quite a pleasant chap.

The bit about not giving away the numbers before Camelot was obviously bollocks. He could have revealed a few digits without giving away the actual numbers, had he been able to.

I liked his walking on glass stunt, that was quite cool.
Rob S

Rob S

New Member
MacB said:
I used to watch Penn & Teller and also their expose type shows revealing the tricks. I've also seen a couple of the 'secrets of magicians revealed' type shows. Some of it's quite clever and some is just dreadful.

Street levitation anyone - forklift and wires to lift person, editing to make it look wireless and paid stooges to look amazed at levitation - I felt rather cheated, somehow expected more than a special effect.

Funny you should mention the leviation thing on the secrets of magician show.....all the tricks are great to watch beforehand so you try to guess how it's done, then its even more interesting to see how they do it, cutting lady in three and moving the middle, woman disappearing from a box where there is no way she can climb out as you can see all around it and under it, escaping from sealeds drums....even cutting a string through a straw in half and it magically still being one....the levitation one was crap enough not to even bother with....the bright sky causes the already thin wire to be rendered invisible to cameras and even the human eye buy colour bleeding and overexposure.
Rob S

Rob S

New Member
Mr Pig said:
I agree. He's quite a pleasant chap.

The bit about not giving away the numbers before Camelot was obviously bollocks. He could have revealed a few digits without giving away the actual numbers, had he been able to.

I liked his walking on glass stunt, that was quite cool.

That stands out as being very un-Derren Brown...along with hitting a nail up his nose...he should stick to what he does best.
Split screen. Tha LH section was frozen then the correct balls were placed after they had been drawn. Heres the before and after, notice one doesn't sit quite right in the rack.

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