That Derren Brown lottery trick

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Legendary Member
One of the best tricks I saw was Paul Daniels flicking an elastic band so it rolled back to him on stage with the backspin. Very simple and effective.
Paul Daniels? Now your talking - check this bit of eighties tomfoolery. Watch it till the end....

Rob S

Rob S

New Member
cheadle hulme said:
Split screen. Tha LH section was frozen then the correct balls were placed after they had been drawn. Heres the before and after, notice one doesn't sit quite right in the rack.


Having watched it again....and again....the left hand ball does appear to rise as per your pics right on the point he says/writes 23 on his board.
Rob S

Rob S

New Member
Ooo ooo....he's just done a trailer for the show....still with the slightly raised 39 in front of him....and said 'how did I do it, blah, blah or something else...then he held up a big snow flake....which is clearly a clue that something was frozen...or the balls are made of ice.

Mr Pig

New Member
Actually, knowing that he just used a camera trick is kind of annoying. You could do anything that way, where is the skill in that? He's a talented guy but this lets him down I think.
Rob S

Rob S

New Member
Well I hope it wasn't just technical wizardry...because at least with slight of hand/body he's the one with the skill....not channel 4 camera editing bods.

I'm wondering how he can pad out tomorrow's show for an hour if it was just a camera still trick.....and 'how viewers at home can try it out too'.
LCD screen in each ball or just project the number onto the ball with a powerpoint kit.



It's a bit more complicated than that...
The "reveal" show was fun, if only to identify which of his explanations were real (the "deep maths" one, for instance - designed to confuse) and which were hokum. It was easy to predict, for instance, that there was no mouse in the first four boxes, and that the knife-stamper would leave cup 13 alone. I bet he'd been chosen because he said that he was superstitious.
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