The booze-quittin' buddy thread!

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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Good luck with this peeps:thumbsup:.

I have been T Total for about 8 years now and I dont miss it at all. I did have a few points in Lochranza on My Le Jog this year to celebrate the trip, but nothing since then at all. I just don't need alcohol in my life on any level. I've seen the damage it does to health, relationships, fitness, mood, finances and it's not for me. Most people I meet are drinkers, many excessively so even though they are in denial about it. I get a lot of people' transferring' their emotional need for alcohol onto me to make them feel better, by which I mean people trying to make me have a beer instead of a lime soda in a pub etc, or assuming that I'm no fun to be with because I don't share their alcoholic habits/humour etc. I have no problem with others drinking, just don't try to make me or make me feel bad for not joining in.

Giving up for me was an overnight thing. I didnt decide to do it, I just stopped and never went back. No big deal, it wasn't tough.

So I wish you all the best in the non alcohol world, it's a lot more fun !:smile::thumbsup:


The Glue that binds us together.
I only drink to be sociable, so i won't be giving it up i enjoy a beer or two, it's my only vice. :cheers:


Über Member
I went tee total 18 months ago.
I have lost 3 stone. I used to be 15. The cycling alone was not getting rid of the weight that quickly.
For me, trying to ration it was not working. There were too many excuses. It's easier to say to people, and to myself, that I just don't drink, rather than that I am trying to cut down.
I used to actually like the feeling of being tipsy. Now, I find that prospect slightly repulsive. What I do miss is the first taste of a cold beer or the first sip of wine. But it's worth it.
Go for it.


Voice of the people
Good luck with this peeps:thumbsup:.

I have been T Total for about 8 years now and I dont miss it at all. I did have a few points in Lochranza on My Le Jog this year to celebrate the trip, but nothing since then at all. I just don't need alcohol in my life on any level. I've seen the damage it does to health, relationships, fitness, mood, finances and it's not for me. Most people I meet are drinkers, many excessively so even though they are in denial about it. I get a lot of people' transferring' their emotional need for alcohol onto me to make them feel better, by which I mean people trying to make me have a beer instead of a lime soda in a pub etc, or assuming that I'm no fun to be with because I don't share their alcoholic habits/humour etc. I have no problem with others drinking, just don't try to make me or make me feel bad for not joining in.

Giving up for me was an overnight thing. I didnt decide to do it, I just stopped and never went back. No big deal, it wasn't tough.

So I wish you all the best in the non alcohol world, it's a lot more fun !:smile::thumbsup:
I quite agree. Also the "go on, go on, one won't kill you" brigade.
how I need this thread!!
I know I drink way too much and reached just over 18 stone. I also feel really down and have felt this way for a few months. I posted a thread on here in about September saying I had lost all interest in cycling ( . so a week a go I decided to pack in booze on new years day, and get back in shape again. but everyone I have told have done nothing but mock, seeing this thread makes me hope I might get some encouragement at last!
when I packed in smoking 20+ years ago it was an instant thing, no cutting down then quitting, straight from a smoker to a non smoker overnight. really I hope I can do this with alcohol. don't go out much so its 95% drinking at home in front of the tv,
p.s shameful plug but please see my thread in the classified wanted section re turbo parts, this would be a massive help if any body can help


Internet Marketing bod
how I need this thread!!
I know I drink way too much and reached just over 18 stone. I also feel really down and have felt this way for a few months. I posted a thread on here in about September saying I had lost all interest in cycling ( . so a week a go I decided to pack in booze on new years day, and get back in shape again. but everyone I have told have done nothing but mock, seeing this thread makes me hope I might get some encouragement at last!
when I packed in smoking 20+ years ago it was an instant thing, no cutting down then quitting, straight from a smoker to a non smoker overnight. really I hope I can do this with alcohol. don't go out much so its 95% drinking at home in front of the tv,
p.s shameful plug but please see my thread in the classified wanted section re turbo parts, this would be a massive help if any body can help

Smoking is the other reason to stop. I haven't been a full addicted habitual smoker for about a decade but as soon as I get some hooch down me the urge to smoke rises massively.
Smoking is the other reason to stop. I haven't been a full addicted habitual smoker for about a decade but as soon as I get some hooch down me the urge to smoke rises massively.
as I said, packing in smoking posed no problem at all, really hope I can do this, not just for me but my family as well


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
i've been tee total for 5 yrs now after having one all mighty all day session at a works BBQ. The next day i said thats it, i'm never drinking again and stuck to it. I don't miss it one bit and i used to drink 6 nights a week at my bro's pub while helping him out.


Voice of the people
how I need this thread!!
I know I drink way too much and reached just over 18 stone. I also feel really down and have felt this way for a few months. I posted a thread on here in about September saying I had lost all interest in cycling ( . so a week a go I decided to pack in booze on new years day, and get back in shape again. but everyone I have told have done nothing but mock, seeing this thread makes me hope I might get some encouragement at last!
when I packed in smoking 20+ years ago it was an instant thing, no cutting down then quitting, straight from a smoker to a non smoker overnight. really I hope I can do this with alcohol. don't go out much so its 95% drinking at home in front of the tv,
p.s shameful plug but please see my thread in the classified wanted section re turbo parts, this would be a massive help if any body can help
Listen my friend! You do what you gotta do and to hell with everyone else.
Do what makes you feel happy, not what you think makes others happy.
Good luck and I really hope you do achieve what you want.


Active Member
haven't had a drink since xmas 2012 so just over a year use to drink and smoke heavy.glad they are both way behind me now.I am so much happier and fitter.i have lost 16 kilos and will be fighting in Thailand in febuary[muay thai].when I was drinking I couldn't even crawl out of bed now I can run 14 miles before breakfast and come back and do an hour heavy bag work all this would have been impossible for me if I was still drinking

david k

North West
I'm quitting for 2 months to try and help lose weight. I tend to eat a lot the day after drinking and all the wrong things. Even without a hangover i struggle to ride many miles even if i do get out.

It also sometimes gives me palpitations which cannot be good, im guessing maybe due to blood pressure. I also have an under active thyroid due to previous graves disease which can also develop further issues and im sure booze doesnt help.

I have quit before for three months and it did make a big difference to how i felt physically and mentally, you end up feeling a lot happier

Id like to cut down but i like a good drink so its all or nothing, wish i could drink moderately but im not able to. When i quit before i really missed it for around 1 to 2 weeks and then wasnt bothered at all, Jan and Feb are generally easier as there are less social events going on
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Nothing wrong at all with choosing to having a drink with friends etc...

but this thing about drinking 'to be social'...I think alcohol isn't a pre requisite to being sociable...just saying.
In my case no alcohol needed, I'm enough of a chatterbox without it. Double espresso, now, that's not bad for you ... or is it? :unsure:
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