The Double Devil containment thread

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Legendary Member
And just shows what works for some may not work for others. I have some friends who insist on riding lots of miles in whatever weather but at low power and they really struggle up the hills. They are just not used to pushing hard even though they can dig in and keep going (slowly) when I am more likely to stop.


I hear and read it alot. If you want to go fast you have train fast and ride with faster riders. Yes you will get dropped often, but one day you will stick with them for the whole session.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Anyone got any extra info yet on the DD start times etc? I only have the original confirmation booking email but no extra info regarding where to meet up, time of start, last finish time (this concerns me obviously as I'm concerned I may not make the cut!) etc etc. How did it all run last year?


That is a good point Carl. I haven't looked at the emails since booking it. I assume an early start(6.30-7)
I'm estimating 7-8 hours for 95 miles due to amount of climbing.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
That is a good point Carl. I haven't looked at the emails since booking it. I assume an early start(6.30-7)
I'm estimating 7-8 hours for 95 miles due to amount of climbing.
I'm assuming the same, 8 hours, as I'm averaging 14.5 mph on my outdoor rides.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
It took me Bill and Adam about 9 hours including stops to do the 120 miles last year
You averaged 13.3 mph then? My current 14 mph on my training runs is very optimistic then :eek: Maybe 10mph average is more realistic so 9 hours to complete the 95 mile. Hopefully on Sunday going to try a 5 hour ride and see how far that gets me, and how many ft of climbing.


Legendary Member
You averaged 13.3 mph then? My current 14 mph on my training runs is very optimistic then :eek: Maybe 10mph average is more realistic so 9 hours to complete the 95 mile. Hopefully on Sunday going to try a 5 hour ride and see how far that gets me, and how many ft of climbing.
No, average speed was just over 15mph. 8 hours 42 in total, but that included stops, so almost exactly 8 hours moving time @ 15.1mph average


Legendary Member
I finished just over 20 minutes ahead of Adam and Bill, which in hindsight I regret - wish we'd finished together! It's hard to explain but after several hours I remember we started so split up a bit on some climbs etc. and we all decided to just go at our own pace to the end. I think they would feel under pressure to go a little faster than they wanted if I was on the front all the time. Also, towards the end of a long ride like that the challenge becomes about the discomfort of that amount of time on the bike as anything else, so it also feels psychologically difficult to go slower or keep waiting.

At one point all 3 of us were separated but Adam and Bill met back up. I stopped for a while at the final food stop and had a bowl of pasta, hoping and thinking they would re-join me there but they never arrived - I later found out they'd stopped in a layby with Adam's wife in the unofficial support car just a mile or two back up the road (unaware of the official food stop I was at) so eventually I set off on my own. If I'd known it was only 20 minutes between us I think I'd have waited - but there is a part of you by that point that just wants to get to the finish ASAP too!


Über Member
I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting dropped by Rob and Andy as they are both stronger than me but I'll see them in the pub! :cheers:

I wouldn't go that far im useless on climbs u beat me all the time and when i do get a bit of glory and beat u (i think twice in total) u go and do the climb again and smash my time


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I wouldn't go that far im useless on climbs u beat me all the time and when i do get a bit of glory and beat u (i think twice in total) u go and do the climb again and smash my time
Stamina could be my problem - longest ever ride (43.3 miles). Longest ever time in the saddle (3 hours). Yes I need to somehow double the distance and virtually triple the time in the saddle. Gonna be painful, but what the heck - you only live once :tongue::bravo::wahhey:


Lots of Chamois cream. Regularly change hand position and get out of saddle every 15 mins even for just a few pedal turns. Stretch whilst on bike and use rest stops for a little light stretching if needed. Drink plenty with electrolytes and eat regularly every 45mins. You'll get there :okay:
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