The Football.....

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North Shields
I don't think its a hard and fast rule. In a crowded area you could be penalized but if noone is around then there is no danger.

Yeah, that makes sense. In that case I think Ronnie has been lucky and his effort should be retrospectively chalked off and the result of the match reversed.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Yeah, that makes sense. In that case I think Ronnie has been lucky and his effort should be retrospectively chalked off and the result of the match reversed.
...except that the defender was at least a metre behind him, so unless he was a giraffe, there was no danger to him, so the goal stands, I think!


Legendary Member
We played them at home on Boxing Day,about 11 years ago. The game was rained off at half time. Their "fans" caused trouble then. Not only them but our fans had to be kept in after the Luton away game,for their own safety. I'd say most of our fans are kids,pensioners,middle aged men and women and a few excitable types who make all the noise with the drum and take their banners to all away games. We're an easy target for these idiots/cowards.

The unfortunate down side to our success this season is that some of our undesirables are back, mainly young kids who think they are all “hard” by bringing flares into grounds, goading the opposition fans, etc. Luckily they are the minority.


Silencing his legs regularly
City didn't get one shot on target!
It's only half time, obviously, they could easily score four or five on Tuesday....but not if they play like that.


Still the worst team in the football league, sacking a manager who had kept us in the top 6 for 18 months was a blindingly obvious stupid move, to do it to the fan's hero was asking for trouble. 3rd in December, it's now looking like we might struggle to stay up!

Grayson out! Useless meddling owners out! The ginger god back in! 5-0 v wanky Blackpool FFS! Grrrrrrr............:cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:
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