The Metric Century (100KM) A Month Challenge ChatZone

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Ajax Bay

East Devon
I'm going to try 1km on crutches challenge in March!
Please tell us how (well) you're getting on with this challenge element - and otherwise. Thanks for the likes.


Über Member
Leamington Spa
Thanks for the ask! Still in the first phase of recovery, five lots of exercises a day and not much walking, although I am breaking the rules a bit as I am getting desperate to get out the house so have been up and down the road a few times. Way off that 1km though!

On 6th April I see the consultant and have my hip x-rayed. If all is going well I can go full weight bearing. Then I start using the hospital gym and the Physio I understand changes my exercises to get me walking properly again. I shall update as soon as I hear.

Can't get over how supportive this forum is! Thank you!

13 rider

April's done 72.3 miles around Leicestershire . Before @Supersuperleeds spots it yes strava only says 55.3 miles .second day in a row I had issues with strava stopping .Yesterday stopped at 6 miles today it seem to have stopped after an hour then started again when I recrossed my route so map look OK at first glance. Honest

13 rider

Time to invest in a dedicated gps unit?
The only reason I've not got a Garmin or such is I do not own a PC or laptop all Internet is via an android tablet and its seems a faff to link GPS with android but may have to bite the bullet
2016-04-10 15.32.56.jpg

Best proof I could get .(took me hours of spinning the wheel to get to here ^_^)
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Über Member
Leamington Spa
This month I was supposed to be visiting my mum in Weymouth and doing a ride incorporating Bridport where my brother lives. I have climbed Edge Hill, but would I make it up Abbotsbury Hill?! Anyhow, great to see so much success on here! Well done all!

Ajax Bay

East Devon
"Edge Hill (S), Warwickshire, 105m, 1.1 km, 9.5%"
Abbotsbury Hill is 130m in 1.1km (not including gentle bit at the top). People on the Dorset Coast Audax 200 were apprehensive but the weather was fine and those around me got up, some slower than others. You'd be fine @Zeffer once back and guns blazing. Hope your 6 Apr review went OK.


Über Member
Leamington Spa
Unfortunately I have to stay partial weight-bearing for six more weeks. However, I am healing and that's what matters! Thanks for the information, makes me even more determined to mend!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well done to all of you who are keeping up with the challenge. I wimped out in January and February (oh, and also March!) but at last am starting to do longer rides again. I got a 109 km forum ride in on 3rd April and did 127 km on a hilly local audax ride yesterday with 3 other CycleChat riders. I'll log those as long rides in the half-metric-a-month challenge instead.
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Kilometre nibbler
Well done to all of you who are keeping up with the challenge. I wimped out in January and February but at last am starting to do longer rides again. I got a 109 km forum ride in on 3rd April and did 127 km on a hilly local audax ride yesterday with 3 other CycleChat riders. I'll log those as long rides in the half-metric-a-month challenge instead.
Don't forget that you can join the MCaM in any month, not just January. ;)

This was an innovation suggested by a visionary by the name of ... now who was it ... Ah! Yes ....
I think it is unnecessarily restrictive to have to start in January. Why should someone reading this thread now and thinking that they like the idea of the challenge, have to wait 11 months to start? So, my suggestion is - post which month you started in and do another 11 consecutive months from then.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Ha ha!

It's funny how much I went off the boil once I realised that I was not going to manage Jan-Dec ...

I think I will log the rides in the other challenge, but mention them here, and restart in January 2017.

I should have stuck to my idea of going to Spain for the last week of Jan and the first week of Feb to get the first couple of metric centuries in. I'm sure that if I had done those, then I would have got the March ride in,

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Let's face it, the main reason for taking up challenges like this is to get us to go out and do more longer rides all year round.
I'd just like to share that the existence of this challenge (and my taking it on) has had a beneficial effect on my cycling, in particular encouraging me to get out for decent length rides when weather and contract work allows, and I've managed to get some decent 'early season' mileage in, that just would not have happened otherwise. Rather rashly I've entered the Mille Pennines Audax 1-4 July: about 11750 metres of climbing spread over 1006 km. Now where's that 12-30?
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