The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning all. This time next year we could be 2000 pages Rodders :smile:


Legendary Member
It was only the family run that would wait, the rest of the rides were the devil take the hindmost type ride most of the time, I was a member for 20-25 years starting about 1989 and used to do the veterens ride, the B ride, had some good times and made some good friends.

Before my mate left for Scotland a few years ago I went over to his on a Tuesday and went on that ride ride with him.
He only lived a 5 minute ride from the pub where the club meets. Some nice guys on the ride, classic case of midweek ride gang of retired people and shift workers like us :okay:


Legendary Member
Bit of a "nothing" day today as I am decidedly fragile, so Welshie, please go easy on me.
I have to sort Mrs Ds car insurance out. I spent 90 mind numbing minutes on it yesterday and then the *^$'* comparison web site crashed. So I phoned the insurance company direct and spoke to an asian lady who I am sure is very nice (if I could understand her). The part I could understand is that they want £50 more than the comparison site quoted. I eventually gave up and will try again this morning.


Leg End Member
Back from the docs with eyes like Marty Feldman. :eek:
Hopefully they're in better shape than his.
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