The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Good morning. What a horrible night last night. :eek::hello:
What were weather like?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I love my Apple stuff but it’s bleeding expensive :sad: I tried going back to an Android phone, but just can’t take to them. It’s a complete Apple house now, iMac, iPad and iPhone :laugh:

I love Samsung stuff. Samsung S8 phone and a Samsung galaxy tablet. When that bites the dust (soon) I might invest invest in a Samsung S4 tablet.:okay:


Legendary Member
I love my Apple stuff but it’s bleeding expensive :sad: I tried going back to an Android phone, but just can’t take to them. It’s a complete Apple house now, iMac, iPad and iPhone :laugh:

Reminds me of the old joke.....I've got my Christmas presents sorted, i-Pad for my daughter, i-Phone for son, and i-Ron for my wife! :smile:


Legendary Member
Sweeties anyone? In my local deli. I will rush straight up. Lol.

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View attachment 505455
So long as no company brings out 'sweeties' called Condensed Drago Farts'.
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