The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Hasn't it just. mind you most of them do.
I'm hoping time will slow down when we go away next week. ;)


Legendary Member
Good morning everyone. It's a Drago's Y-front day here only an awful lot wetter.

I'm going to have a little R&R. Not a flounce or touchy at all. I know how the web works and I know myself. I've reached an age when I don't want others telling me what I may or may not speak about. I think we all are happy to discuss anything and none of us need to be told the boundaries or told what to discuss.

Stay safe my friends.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Good morning all. Had been up half an hour when the front door rang. There was a policewoman standing on the other side and my heart jumped. She quickly reassured me that there was nothing to worry about. During the night , some scum bag opened a neighbour's car door which she forgot to lock last night. He/ they didn't break into it but just trying car doors. I don't know what was taken from her car but the policewoman was just making sure we all lock our car doors at night, which I always do anyway.
Be safe every body and make sure you lock all doors at night.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Mod note:

Goodness gracious! An unusual excursion into this thread as a Mod. :wacko:

A couple of posts have been deleted re backseat moderating. If anyone feels that there is a problem with the content of a post please use the report post function rather than advising other members to use other threads.

NB: posts quoting the deleted posts have also been deleted even though, in themselves, they were fine.

From the Site perspective members can talk about what they like in this thread as long as it complies with the Site Rules.

If any subject gets too heavy/serious/contentious for what is a light-hearted-ish thread like this then report it and a Mod will deal with it asap and take any appropriate action required.

Not a Mod note: I hope that any regular members put off, by this slight besmirchment of the thread, return quickly - they would be missed for sure! :okay:
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