The Retirement Thread

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Deleted member 1258

I think its only people who live in certain parts of Wales that use the twat word:rolleyes:.
Like you, to me, its an alternative to c*nt.
As far as I know....... and I don't know a lot, vagina is the correct English term but only used in medical speak.
Next is fanny.
Pussy seems to be the in word now (imported from USA?).
After that its your errhh uhhmm thingy ^_^

One I sometimes hear is "Lady Bits"


If 6 Was 9
One I sometimes hear is "Lady Bits"
Or Hoo Ha. :laugh:

Deleted member 1258

Ice on the inside of the widows when you woke up in the morning, warm clothes that were anything but warm, knitted woolen cycling shorts, Ever Ready cycle lamps, smog and I could go on. Having had a not very nice childhood my rose tinted glasses tend to blur before 74 which is the year I got married and really started remembering good things, hair, platform shoes, loon pants party 7.

Yes, I remember the ice on the inside of the windows, and missing the bedside mat when getting out of bed on a freezing morning and putting my feet on freezing lino, we aged quicker then, and didn't have the medical knowledge to effectively treat illness as well as we do now, I've had heart problems, if I had been having the same problems fifty years ago there would have been a different outcome.

Deleted member 1258

Sorry Dave, it's me being obscure. One of the tracks on Paul Simons Gracelands Album was "Homeless " . He performed with Ladysmith Black Mambazo but I originally misheard it as "Ladybits Black Mombazo"

^_^ I remember that album, I haven't heard it in years.
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