The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Morning. Brrrrrrrrrr. And double Brrrrrr. :cold::cold::cold:. Can you guess that it's a bit cool here today? 2 deg apparently.

Stay safe folks. :hello:


Legendary Member
Good day. Didn't wake till 07.30 but was awake in the night for an hour or more. I haven't checked the temperature but the colour of our flat roof suggests we had or were very close to frost. Not surprising really as forecast was for 3⁰ and just be before dawn temperatures can easily drop by 3-5⁰

It's a beautiful morning with bright sunshine and very still. I'll spend time on the allotment and later clean my bike.

The mystery of Mrs P's five envelopes and two parcels is solved. Gutter mesh and downpipe guards. Apparently B&Q have sold out. This is another job for today.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all fellow retirees.
It is bright and sunny outside but quite cool. MrsP is making noises about having the CH as she is cold:cold:, plus she has come down with a heavy cold.
Out with the dog soon and then out on the bike for a while.
Stay safe everyone. :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Morning. Chilly walk done and just sat down with my porridge. Hope it heats me up. I still have storage heating so don't want to put it on yet. I daresay if I had gas it would be on for an hour or two. Hopefully the sun will warm the house up a bit.

You should be ashamed I thought you were a hardened Weetabix eater like what I am:hyper::hyper::hyper:


Legendary Member
My son is thinking of getting a wood burner as well. He only has electric storage heaters and they are so expensive to run and don't do a very good job of hearing the House anyway.
I don't mind them too much but agree they seem to be dear to run. Also once they are on you are inclined to leave them as it's barely worth switching them off when you get the odd warm day only for them to have to heat up again. In a small bungalow they feel fine for heat for me anyway. I can't face the hassle of getting gas brought in and a new system installed so they will do.
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