The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
A question for you oldies.
No google.
The song 'Hear My Song Violetta
Who sang the original hit ??.
One clue.........there are only a few on here that will recall the actual song in the charts.
BTW, if you are won It was played while I was dosing in bed earlier.
Joseph Locke.
I've got a CD of sad is that?:laugh:


Legendary Member
Daft question.
How do you actually cancel a credit card ?
I have one I no longer wish to use but can't recall when/if I have ever cancelled one.
Well I've been working my way through a ridiculous number of accounts. Between us we had nine redundant bank accounts - the sort were you paid in £xx/month to get 5%/year. Those were the days. Also had three credit cards to shutdown which I took out when my lad bought a new car. I paid on my regular credit card and then took out three new 0% cards, transferred the debt across to those and my lad paid me back with £250/month - saved him over £1200 in finance charges. :blink:

Came across three different methods:

Ring up
Simple tick a few boxes online
Fill in an online form then upload a copy of photo driving licence or passport


If 6 Was 9
Must have been.
In 1947, too, Locke released "Hear My Song, Violetta," which became forever associated with him. "Hear My Song, Violetta" was based on a 1936 tango.
The Biopic about Joseph Locke was quite good. It's called 'Hear my song', funnily enough.
He were a bit of a lad in his time. ;)

Worth a watch......

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Started young, and still going.
If I drag up some distant memory, wasn't Ed Byrnes Cookie in 77 sunset strip?


Legendary Member
Good morning, it's windy, grey and heavy drizzle. I didn't wake till 10.15! "Hurrah" I hear you say. Wrong! :sad: woke at 1.00, couldn't sleep as all sorts of negative stuff running through my head, went downstairs to watch a film till 5.00am.

Mrs P has just wondered out loud if it's worth getting dressed today😄 She's planning to light the fire.

I've nothing planned other than a bit more internet security stuff and a walk if rain stops. The negative thoughts are just me being pissed off with the current situation. Nothing more.

@monkers I 👏 you @Drago watch is a significant contribution to our little online community. 😂
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