The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I think I will stay out of that one. I'll say it here, but I definitely don't agree with women who were born male competing against women who were born female. Going back to the prison problems we had, I can testify to the strength trans women still have! It caused problems sometimes when they kicked off and required moving to another cell. We could use male and female staff to move and relocate them, but they then required strip searched to make sure they had nothing concealed, etc. It then obviously had to be all female staff. If they then kicked off again they could fling some of the smaller/lighter staff around like rag dolls and had no hesitation in doing so, so were quite happy to revert to using their full strength!


Legendary Member
Right, off for a donder in the rain. :hello:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I've read the gender thread. It's gonna be a goodie. I've learned two new words "micturition" and "cisgender" - I'm looking forward to dropping these in to a conversation!!

I see possibilities. The pensioners are known for the quality of their pee stops. In future I shall refer to these as micturition opportunities.

Foolishly I have commented.

Stupid boy or shouldn't i call you that, as on another thread there is a debate about what to call women, so I may be on a hiding to nothing with the boy bit. :laugh::laugh:


Legendary Member
Stupid boy or shouldn't i call you that, as on another thread there is a debate about what to call women, so I may be on a hiding to nothing with the boy bit. :laugh::laugh:

Haven't seen the debate about what to call a woman. Like I said earlier I was confused so I asked all my female, lady, woman, opposite sex friends, girls, blah, blah. Basically they said woman. Easy!! 🤣

I do find the whole language thing a total nightmare. I've a friend, woman, who's very committed to this. I get a bollocking for speaking about firemen or policemen. But it's all in good fun, she knows me well. ^_^


Legendary Member
I should really learn about gears
Obviously I have had bikes with gears for many decades but I have never needed to know what they are

I just knew I normally pedalled in 8th
7th or even 6th on a hill
9th or even 10th on fast downhill
if it was damn hilly or there was a bad headwind I went to the lower cog on the front gear thingy and did whatever
and if I hit 10th I could do over 30 because a couple of time when I was a teenager I passed cars and looked at their speedo on the way past
(male teenager - what could possibly go wrong????)

anyway - never knew what the gears were because I knew nothing about bike clubs and there was no WWW so I just rode the thing
mostly alone - because I'm me

but recently I wore out my gears on my newish ebike and the LBS replaced the chain and cassette (???) with shimano stuff and now it feels much smoother - but different - maybe I spend more time in 5th rather than 4th like before - but then I 'm going faster - so am I fitter???? (don't tell my wife - she will die laughing and funerals are expensive!!!!!)

when the weather gets warmer and less rainy I will have to look properly at the gears and probably do something extreme like counting the spikey bits

I should also probably drop my normal ebike assist level to the minimum and see what happens - can;t be that bad because I did it in the summer once to drop speed and stay behind a family on a tow path - and left it there for 3 days before I realised when I went up a big steep hill
I struggle on hills (i struggle walking at the moment) so when I bought my bike the 1st thing was to get bigger? gear thingy on the back. you I am fluent in bike talky stuff.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I did not make a comment.

I agree with Mo. No way should a trans women be allowed to play against naturally born women. There is a rugby player that does. About 6'6" and around 16 stone. Makes the other players look like kids. They are a serious accident waiting to happen.

Not keen on toilets being the norm either just because a person identifies as a certain gender.

I wonder how long it will be before someone from the other side decides he/she doesn't like our opinions.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.

Haven't seen the debate about what to call a woman. Like I said earlier I was confused so I asked all my female, lady, woman, opposite sex friends, girls, blah, blah. Basically they said woman. Easy!! 🤣

I do find the whole language thing a total nightmare. I've a friend, woman, who's very committed to this. I get a bollocking for speaking about firemen or policemen. But it's all in good fun, she knows me well. ^_^
I don't care what I am called. I'm not bothered :laugh:
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