The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Or were they in the pub all the time, but you only visited every Tuesday? Knowing SAR operators as I do that seems the more likely scenario.


Legendary Member
:hello::hello::hello: I'm back ^_^

Very wet and windy here, must be a bank holiday though I forgot till I put the news on.

I felt I needed a break from the web so used a trip to the Edinburgh Fringe and a cycling trip to the Lakes to do this. Both excellent and have another Lakes trip planned for next weekend.

Big news is No.1 child** moves out to his new house on Friday:bravo:

** I hesitate to use the word son as his slobbish look after me behaviour suggests he's yet to pass 12!!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Not a clue about the weather as I am still in bed, any clues on how I can talk Pam into selling the house and moving into a van full time.

No chance. :laugh:


Started young, and still going.
another day in paradise, breakfast has been eaten, the dog walked, and some diy done in the form of a carpet bar between the hall carpet and the bathroom flooring has been cut to size and installed.:highfive:. Now a few domestics and then up to the pub for a couple of ales whilst getting some fruit for our healthy lifestyle:laugh::laugh:


Legendary Member
More lousy weather here so another enforced chill day.
Breakfast is a healthy bowl of mixed fresh fruit with fat free yogurt.
Washed down with a glass of orange juice.........
And would you believe someone has put a slug of Vodka in it. You cant trust anyone can you :rolleyes:
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