The Retirement Thread

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I know I shouldn't laugh, but I couldn't resist it, sorry, it was vegetation that got me, but it was a red hot summer day so it didn't take long to dry out.
My nemesis was HERE. The water was a lot deeper and covered most of the cobbles when I crashed there but the lower water level lets you see clearly what the problem is. I've zoomed in so you can see the wheel catching gaps between the cobble stones, and you can just see the moss/weed under the water too... :eek:


If you carry on round the bend and up the hill you will see that there is a second one.

I haven't ridden there for years but it is a nice road apart from the bike traps. I might go and ride it again but if I do I will use the stepping stones on the first ford and the footbridge on the second one!


Legendary Member
I'm amazed at how many of you don't like ironing, I find it quite enjoyable watching all the wrinkles iron out leaving crisp flat clothes, I'm sorry I could not be without an iron.
Mrs P gave me £20 today and told me to buy a new iron,nothing wrong with the old one so I bought a putter.


Legendary Member
We are scheduled to leave Norfolk tomorrow, having arrived last Sunday, in torrential rain.

We are heading to my son's in Windsor, to see grandchildren, depending on how much diesel we can get, and, if Extinction Rebellion (or whatever they re called now) are blocking the M25. ;)

What part of Norfolk are you in? ... I was quite surprised by not seeing many motorhomes on the north coast, I thought there would hundreds from what you read in the papers!

Enjoy you trip to Windsor :okay:


Good morning from a misty Dorset. It’s very still outside and I’ve yet to hear any traffic. Had to nip out to Screwfix yesterday afternoon to pick up a new twin socket after the shutters jammed on the old one. I leapt onto the Brommie and was there and back in no time. The new socket outlet has a couple of built in USB ports, one of them being the newer “ C “ type. Nothing planned today, stay safe folks 🌻


Legendary Member
Morning all... Off out shortly for the London Brompton Club ride, 44 for us which is the most for a long time. Looks like we've got a nice day for it.
I'll post some photos later.

Enjoy your day folks!

Chief Broom

Morning folks ^_^ nice still morning here with occasional clouds hanging around rather than racing across the sky. Enjoying the new bike the slim tyres make such a difference- expending a lot less energy for any distance. As my car now probably measures 3ft x 3ft i have no petrol worries though i hope my computer doesnt follow suit and expire as im quite reliant on it for shopping and ordering up things on ebay. I do like to pre-empt any hassle so in the event my computer dies ive been buying stuff i might possibly need and would be hard/impossible to precure locally. The old comp is almost 9yrs old now and still rollin along!


Legendary Member
Good day people. Weather is looking good. I was utterly wiped out last night. Bed at 9.45 and slept deeply till 7.20. Stiff as a board when I woke up. All that walking last week I think.

Binned the idea of the club ride as I was so tired. Good decision. Feeling quite motivated so housework, allotment, perhaps wash car. Need an hour on my Kinesis to check the saddle adjustments I made.

Some will enjoy this. Get Back!!


Legendary Member
Good morning good norning good morning. case you didn't hear me 1st time.
I was in bed with Chorley Paul last night. No, hang about, I mean I went to bed at the same time as him :rolleyes:.
No plans today. Europe are getting battered by USA in the golf so won't watch that. I don't mind watching them lose but not battered.
I am due to do a tray bake later. Never done one before so it will be interesting.
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