The rugby

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Did anyone have money of England beating Ireland this year? Can't believe that. Need to work that one out, as I've not been able to watch it yet. How? Ireland play badly or England play a blinder? Ireland is the real deal but I reckon England are at best still developing. Either way I didn't see it happening. What did it for England?


Gravitationally challenged member
I left a comment on the BBC website about Jonathan Davies' commentary.
"If the BBC insist on employing the whining Welsh whingepig, can they restrict him to matches that don't involve Wales?
His bias is beyond annoying."
It was deleted by the moderators with the reason:
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
"We reserve the right to fail comments which...
Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable Contain swear words or other language likely to offend"

Naturally, I've asked exactly how I broke the rule, especially as others expressing similar sentiments have been allowed to stand. As an experiment, I resubmitted the comment, omitting the word "Welsh". That one has been allowed to remain. Maybe they don't like alliteration?
Their response to my appeal will be interesting.


Legendary Member
Did anyone have money of England beating Ireland this year? Can't believe that. Need to work that one out, as I've not been able to watch it yet. How? Ireland play badly or England play a blinder? Ireland is the real deal but I reckon England are at best still developing. Either way I didn't see it happening. What did it for England?
The best England performance since they beat the all blacks in the Japan World Cup. They played fast and caught the ball which was the problem against Scotland.
At the anthems I was watching the team line up and only recognised about 3 of the entire team.

Some of them looked as if they were in a school team, but perhaps that's because of my age.

Wales have relied on someone their old stalwarts for several years to paper over the cracks caused by the dismal Regional structure and the old farts of the WRU. The four regions struggle in the URC and are way behind their Irish and Scottish opponents.
I left a comment on the BBC website about Jonathan Davies' commentary.
"If the BBC insist on employing the whining Welsh whingepig, can they restrict him to matches that don't involve Wales?
His bias is beyond annoying."
It was deleted by the moderators with the reason:
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
"We reserve the right to fail comments which...
Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable Contain swear words or other language likely to offend"

Naturally, I've asked exactly how I broke the rule, especially as others expressing similar sentiments have been allowed to stand. As an experiment, I resubmitted the comment, omitting the word "Welsh". That one has been allowed to remain. Maybe they don't like alliteration?
Their response to my appeal will be interesting.

I occasionally look at the comments on that website. Now that really is a biased, whining wingefest.


Did anyone have money of England beating Ireland this year? Can't believe that. Need to work that one out, as I've not been able to watch it yet. How? Ireland play badly or England play a blinder? Ireland is the real deal but I reckon England are at best still developing. Either way I didn't see it happening. What did it for England?

England played extraordinarily well. They were good for the win, and it was sheer professionalism and talent from Ireland which kept them competitive, when they were really being outplayed for most of the match. Speed of ball from the ruck, intensity, and a real positivity in running were the key factors in my view. The scrum was good and we disrupted the Irish lineout enough to draw the sting from that particular facet of their game. The vaunted "blitz defence" looked more organised than it has done, but this wasn't a game about defence, really. England won in a very un-English way, by attacking.


North Shields
Best weekend of games so far, deserved winners in every one.

Said at the start of the tournament Italy looked good, and they have done (the scoreless game against Ireland doesn't really tell the story of that one).

Pleasing to see France back to something approaching their best as well.

No yellow cards either which was great!
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So England were really that good? I saw the highlights only today, busy n weekend, so it was really just the scoring action. The score came down to a last gasp drop goal to win by one point.

If England were really that good against a very good Ireland, had played like that from the first match what would people be saying about them now?
Saw a bit of Welsh game and it looked like fairly even so turned off. Missed the French waking up and getting was it 24 points without reply? I think France have been less than they should have been.


North Shields
So England were really that good? I saw the highlights only today, busy n weekend, so it was really just the scoring action. The score came down to a last gasp drop goal to win by one point.

If England were really that good against a very good Ireland, had played like that from the first match what would people be saying about them now?

Yep. England raised their game big time and played how a team with that quality throughout should have. Evenly matched encounters like that often come down to very fine margins (and I think England had a penalty coming anyway - had the sound way down so couldn't quite tell).

No guarantees but if they'd played like that throughout I think they'd have won.

As for France, the turning point was the subs. Wales didn't score after theirs and France just blew them away. The period where they had two scrums then took the three points when they couldn't get over the line gave them a big boost I think.
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