Things that annoy you, that shouldn't..

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
barq said:
Oh, I've thought of another one... It's technically off-topic because this is about things that annoy you that shouldn't, whereas I'm standing behind this one! ;)

People being too casual about arrangements. I've really noticed this since I moved down south (sorry if that sounds a bit sweeping, but I swear it never used to happen to me in Brum). People just seem to feel free to blow you out at the last minute and not even bother to let you know. The other variant is where you try and arrange something and people say "Yeah, I'll just have too see, let's just play it by ear...". On the face of it sounds fair enough, but in reality tends to mean "I'll just see if anything better turns up, and if not they you are my fall-back plan." :biggrin::biggrin:

Get better aquaintances...
I think it's pretty shabby, an agreement's an agreement in my book, if I cannot make a gathering for some GOOD reason, it's only decent manners to call the host/others and let them know.
I just think it's part of a general malaise in social manners and abilities, as my father -in-law would say "people just don't know how to go on..." and he would know.

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Another one.
The lack of it really bugs me. If I say i'm gonna be there at 8,then I am, washed and scrubbed and raring to go.
My ex used to start getting ready at 10 to 8 ;)
GRRRRR ! :biggrin::evil::biggrin:


I'll tell yuo what irritates he ****ing life outta me and I'm ragetastic over this: car drivers who millimetre past a gap and its about 20 foot wide :biggrin:

Happened to me today..I just couldnt contain yelling to get out of the ****ing way !

Funny thing was they actually heard me ! :biggrin: = Ignorant ****er was ACTUALLY paying attention ;)


Dayvo said:
When someone wants to emphasise something and uses their index and middle fingers as quotation marks: that "REALLY" annoys me! :biggrin:

I do that.
Dayvo said:
People at work who use MY cup and don't wash it after them! :eek:


What really annoys me is when you go in to make a coffee at work and almost ALL the cups are 'personal' ones (usually either 3D-style faces, novelty porn clothes-disappear-on-addition-of-hot-water style ones but where the clothes have worn off completely so they're not there even when there's no drink in it, or massively oversized/ridiculous shaped ones) and whichever one you choose, you get someone complaining that you've nicked "their" cup, either by sending an email round expecting to be made a cuppa as compensation, or by storming round in a huff as if it's a matter of critical importance and everything else needs to be dropped in order to resolve the issue.
There's normally a few ones of the sort that are given out at conferences, the basic cheap sort adorned with logos of completely obscure companies that no-one knows why or how they have a relation with the workplace, like investment banks, but often there aren't enough of these to make the round so you have to take a deep breath and dig into the personals.

If you're that militant about no-one else EVER using YOUR cup, then don't store it in the bloody communal kitchen cupboard! How do you expect everyone else in the company to know it's your cup? Do you think there's some magic cup fairy that stands by the kettle and tells everyone, or do you think you're so important and great that everyone will instantly familiarise themselves with which one is 'your' cup when they join the company ?! :eek: ;)
Andy in Sig said:
You could just buy a cup of your own and then you couldn't be accused of nicking other people's.
That might require sentient thought, which might be an evolutionary step too far for some....;)
It's not complicated. Just assume that every mug belongs to someone else and USE THE ONE THAT YOU BROUGHT IN, because that's what everyone else does.:biggrin:

Ah. Another one. The use of the word 'get' instead of have. As in 'can I get a large skinny double de-caff mochafrappacino with a float?'

bonj;38302][quote name= said:
annoys me! :biggrin:

I do that.
Dayvo said:
People at work who use MY cup and don't wash it after them! :eek:


If you're that militant about no-one else EVER using YOUR cup, then don't store it in the bloody communal kitchen cupboard! How do you expect everyone else in the company to know it's your cup? Do you think there's some magic cup fairy that stands by the kettle and tells everyone, or do you think you're so important and great that everyone will instantly familiarise themselves with which one is 'your' cup when they join the company ?! :eek: ;)[/QUOTE]

There's four of us at work. We have the same mugs. My initials are on the bottom of it. I am the only one who washes my cup after using it. I don't want to drink a cup of tea/coffee from a dirty cup. I'm happy to use any mug and will return it in a clean condition. I expect my work mates to do the same.

I bet you're single, bonj! And sad![/COLOR]

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
ajevans;36579][QUOTE=bonj said:
I suppose it should annoy the tree huggers more than me, but what also annoys me is the people that fill the kettle up to the brim when they've got one or two cups to make, boil it, then walk out of the room either talking on their mobile phone or go off to do something completely different while it boils, and then come back to find it's now only three quarters full and not boiling any more because someone else has used it and it's also cooled. They then have the cheek to ask either ot your face or try to implement a policy by sending an email round, "when you've finished with the kettle, can you please fill it up an boil it again so it's ready for the next person". Yes, they actually want it fill-ed up and re-boiled there and then just to shave a few seconds off the time it will take the next person to make tea.

This annoys me for another reason (similar to sticking for milk in before it's brewed).
You shouldn't brew tea with re-boiled water, it should be freshly brewed each time![/QUOTE]
Uh, do you really mean that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bonj;38302][quote name= said:
annoys me! ;)

I do that.


Why doesn't that surprise me?
I bet you talk like Richard Quest, too![/COLOR]


More serious cyclist than Bonj
When you ring the bell at them, and they dont move.
Or when you go to over take someone on a bike going slower, and they decide to speed up so that you then have to speed up even more.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Joe24 said:
When you ring the bell at them, and they dont move.
Or when you go to over take someone on a bike going slower, and they decide to speed up so that you then have to speed up even more.

and you have to drop back and feign a punture or mechanical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am irritated by myself whenever I'm on the bike and see a courier.

I simply have to overtake them. No two ways about it. Usually I end up looking stoopid, but there you are. And they cycle all day so its hardly a fair contest!


New Member
Deal, Kent
Melvil said:
I am irritated by myself whenever I'm on the bike and see a courier.

I simply have to overtake them. No two ways about it. Usually I end up looking stoopid, but there you are. And they cycle all day so its hardly a fair contest!

Yes it is fair!
you are a riding god and he is an also ran that has to be crushed!#
If he rides all day he trains twice as much as you and so makes you overtaking him twice as impressive! ;)

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Chuffy said:
Ah. Another one. The use of the word 'get' instead of have. As in 'can I get a large skinny double de-caff mochafrappacino with a float?'


That's a new one. Is it some sort of angler's special only served in riverside branches of Cafe Nero?

In addition to "get", how about the mind numbingly American "to go" when they mean "to take away".
Andy in Sig;38448][QUOTE=Chuffy said:
Ah. Another one. The use of the word 'get' instead of have. As in 'can I get a large skinny double de-caff mochafrappacino with a float?'


That's a new one. Is it some sort of angler's special only served in riverside branches of Cafe Nero?

In addition to "get", how about the mind numbingly American "to go" when they mean "to take away".[/QUOTE]

...which we all know relates to the ancient "Do you want 'em wrapped or open?"
Ah...I can smell the vinegar and paper as I write...;)
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