Things you get an utterly disproportionate amount of pleasure from..

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Getting the green man changing as you approach a pedestrian crossing meaning you don't have to break stride


Legendary Member
Outdragging teenagers in bodykitted up prat-mobiles away from the traffic lights:thumbsup:
ChrisKH said:
You must be related to my wife. Thing is, she does me a bloody list as well.....:laugh:xx(

I have a special book for my lists. It's so great.

I wouldn't dare make my husband a list - I was so proud of him the other day when he made one all of his own though. I didn't encourage him either - it was purely voluntary. Aw.

I only know one other man who is an obsessive list maker...but loads of women who make lists.


Uncle Mort said:
It must be a female thing. Mrs Mort has a list book as well. It has to be a red "moleskine" notebook and she expects one every year for Christmas. And she fills it too :laugh:

I sometimes write one on the back of an envelope, but I can't usually read it later anyway.

I'll stick with the slugs - monotasking.

Monotasking is undervalued as an ability IMO. Things like clearing out and rearranging the garage, washing and polishing every bike, etc. xx(


just thought i'd point out that in the thread listings, "My wife!" is directly beneath "Things you get an utterly disproportionate amount of pleasure from.." :laugh:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
When I was younger: peeling the foil part of a Club or similar wrapper away from the greasproof backing, in one go, with no rips. Not now, because a) I can't afford Clubs and :laugh: the wrappers seem to have changed and the two parts are more tightly bonded, and you can't get them apart.

Now, I think I'd have to say something like cooking something I cook a lot, like spag bol, or spag carbonara, but hitting just the right amount of everything, so that it's absolutely spot on perfect tasting. Mainly, getting just the right amount of pesto on the pasta, or getting a carbonara sauce just the right consistency (IE not too runny, not scrambled eggs).


You and Mrs G would get on like a house on fire. She has notebooks filled with lists.

I make the odd one if I've a busy day and need to remember to do a few things but on a daily basis she is sitting there with her wee notebook scribbling away. I can't get my head round it!!

Kirstie said:
making a big to do list and then ticking off all the things I have done on it
Breaking the seal on a new coffee jar. Ever since I was little (when it reminded me of the covers you get on fire alarm buttons) I find myself making the noise of an alarm bell going off when I do it. ;)
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