Toilet Break

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Saddle bum

Über Member
Charly Gaul (Lux), who won the TdF in 1958, is credited with "developing" the technique of peeing on the fly, so to speak. He was for a time nicknamed M. Pee-Pee. The old wool shorts were not so skin tight as today Lycra so there was less risk of strangling the flow!

Funnily enough riders seem to do it to the right, risking wetting the chain, rather than the LHS. Bet the mechanics have moan on occasions.


N Ireland
tyred said:
How do you have a shoot?

I recall reading a tale about a fan at a TdF grabbing a peaked cap that a passing rider had discarded and finding a turd in it. I don't recall if he retained the souvenir!


nothing in moderation
poor tom simpson, on the last stage before the fatal ventoux, left his mechanic harry hall with a bit of a clean-up job. probably a hose would have sufficed.


Well-Known Member
As I recall Greg Lemond continued to ride on (at Least) one occasion while suffering from diarrhoea ! Or so legend has it


Saddle bum

Über Member
Blue said:
I recall reading a tale about a fan at a TdF grabbing a peaked cap that a passing rider had discarded and finding a turd in it. I don't recall if he retained the souvenir!

Steve Hodge (Aus), used to ride for Fetina, told the tale of doing a No2s into a hat, it may have been his!
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