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New Member

May seem defeatist but then again, I support Scotland and so that comes naturally!!!!! LOL!!!
Just seems like too big a task that there are 55million+ people in Great Poland, sorry, I mean Great Britain and the ignorance is rife.
I was a bus driver and tried to change the way bus drivers get treated by making funny videos about everyday issues. Some freelance reporter got a hold of it and I ended up unemployed through it. S-h-i-t-e- really.
When I asked for support from my co-workers the whole "Problem? What problem?" attitude was thrown at me.
Unfortunately people are scared to take sides in certain issues because the bloody PC Brigade might come knocking at their door saying they're not allowed to do that or that they are offended. Bull!!
Crap world we live in and we can make little or no difference, unless we lie like f-u-c-k, and become a politician!!!!
Sad but true


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Agreed, SOHSS.

I think I got off to a very bad start with you, through some thoughtlessness on my part. I can see you're a decent family guy and I hope that you'll forgive me for that (although I can appreciate that you're perfectly entitled to think that I'm a complete @rseh@le or worse). From the other side of the keyboard, people can at first appear like the complete opposite of what they are in real life. The perils of a non-visual medium.

As Crackle said, don't knock yourself down - everyone can make a difference in their own small way. Granted, Magnatom's done it in a completely massive way given the media coverage he's received, but that's the press out looking for stories and not him approaching them. It wasn't ever anything that he was after, it came looking for him. He's a brave lad.

As you say, some people will not be bent from their opinions and I guess that's just life. Magnatom's done his best and that's all he can ever ask of himself. He's made a difference. Maybe just a small chip off a huge boulder, but it's a start.

We all need to get along in this life as best we can, learn from our mistakes and move on, older and wiser. I know that I've learnt a lesson in the last week about not judging people too quickly, and that I need to think about the unforeseen consequences that a few taps on a keyboard can have on someone else's life.


New Member

Thanks goo-mason. We definetly did get off on wrong foot but I apologise for namecallin an stuff. Red mist!!!!!
Dont know if ma post went out earlier, do they still do cyclin proficiency tests at schools. Would promote knowledge of roads and the do's and donts which, even at an early age, would be beneficial for youngsters. Even if the kids didnt ride a bike, but done some classroom work, they would still learn more about roads and maybe not run out on them without looking


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
sanoffyhighstepson said:
Dont know if ma post went out earlier, do they still do cyclin proficiency tests at schools. Would promote knowledge of roads and the do's and donts which, even at an early age, would be beneficial for youngsters. Even if the kids didnt ride a bike, but done some classroom work, they would still learn more about roads and maybe not run out on them without looking
check this:,677,767,684,762,718,674,708,683,706,718,674


As the others have said, SOHSS good posts. I don't agree that we can't make a difference though. I've been lucky/unlucky with what has happened over the last few days. I certainly have been lucky that the press coverage has been balanced (I'd like to think I've made some of that luck by never rising to the abuse that I receive). However, I do understand that it can turn the other way and I really do sympathise with what happened to you.

I could go into a long winded story about what I think is wrong with society, but that's probably for another day (probably when Sun reporters aren't around :tongue:). However, I think if, more and more people make a stand against what they see as wrong (and I don't mean being a vigilante!:biggrin:) I think together people can make a difference.
I have no delusions of grandeur. I know that I am not going to change the nations attitude toward cyclists. However, I am not alone in trying to make a difference. There are many others who maybe haven't had the press I have had, but are doing their bit (they deserve as much if not more credit than I get!). With enough drip drip drip, maybe one day the floodgates will open. Who knows, but I think it is worth trying.

Anyway, hang around, avoid soapbox if you want to avoid conflict, and feel free to make any (reasoned!) comments on anything I write or post. I'm used to crticism!!:biggrin:

Glasgow has a wonderful opportunity to make a difference to the health of the city. It needs to use the forthcoming Commonwealth games as a vehicle to actively encourage more people to take up exercise of which cycling is one example. I just hope that the politicians don't mess it up....

One last thing and don't answer this if you don't want to. Did you manage to get another job?


Oh Forgot to mention. The Beeb didn't put their report out. Not sure why, may have been because of yesterdays stuff on STV. I'll see if I can find out why tomorrow.


New Member
Hey Magnatom

Yup, got another job. Spent some time with the newborn as I wouldnt have got that if I had been on buses. They werent going to give me paternity leave because I was still inside the 12 month probation period. Was only with them 9 months at the time. Heartless!!!
Enjoyed time wi the wife and kid and now got a job away from the stresses of driving horrible purple and pink blobs. Like a breath of fresh air.


sanoffyhighstepson said:
Yup, got another job. Spent some time with the newborn as I wouldnt have got that if I had been on buses. They werent going to give me paternity leave because I was still inside the 12 month probation period. Was only with them 9 months at the time. Heartless!!!
Enjoyed time wi the wife and kid and now got a job away from the stresses of driving horrible purple and pink blobs. Like a breath of fresh air.

Glad to hear it. I hope you were doing the night shift..... with the wean :tongue:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
sanoffyhighstepson said:
Like a breath of fresh air.

You will be telling us you have bought a bike next ! Well done btw on coming over hear to the dark side however I have had to use babelfish to translate a couple of your posts :tongue:


New Member
HeHe. A wee bit easier than understanding Polish though, eh??? LOL
Have never been a fan of that bloodbus even though I was a bus driver. I sat in amongst the bothy bitches in the bus garage and couldnt believe how bitchy they were.
I am glad Im out of the place. My new work allows me to drive ma car a bit more and see a bit more than hands stickin out and bricks at close quarters!!!. No more stop start all the time and the hours are so much better.
I do have a bike but in all fairness, it aint turned a wheel since I moved to ma new house a year ago. From what I remember the rear suspension was s-h-a-g-g-e-d anyways!! Bouncy bouncy bouncy..............


Well-Known Member
TwickenhamCyclist said:
Link to Scottish sun article – courtesy of some driver on blood bus no less!! – where I notice, since your recently found fame magnatom, the treats have decreased (apart from bmc killer, who still seems to be a little agitated)

Taped Crusader?? LOL!

Magnatom - that was a good report on STV - you came across very well. I think you're right that this will not change attitudes to cyclists overnight, but I'll be interested to hear if it makes any difference to how you get treated on the road.

What's your view on the police advice?
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