Took the dog for a walk today

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Slightly OT, but ...

I was out for a walk yesterday with a friend who has been very nervous of dogs since being bitten by a German Shepherd dog when she was a child.

A Border Collie suddenly came running down the footpath towards us way ahead of its owners. My friend hid behind me and I could see that the dog was in an excitable state so I tried to calm it down by talking to it.

It did the Collie thing of darting round the side of us as if controlling a flock of sheep. I could tell that the dog wanted to nip my leg - every time I started to walk away, it lunged towards my calf muscle until I turned and pointed at it and said "No!" in a very stern voice.

The owners came into view and one cheerfully said to me "It's okay, she's only having fun - she doesn't bite!" Yeah right - I know how Collies work and I could see that this one wanted to be in charge and was prepared to enforce it with a quick bite!

I once had a mad Dalmation run out in front of me when I was cycling in heavy traffic. The owner once again was shouting not to worry - it didn't bite! I shouted back that I wasn't frightened of being bitten, I was more concerned about me or the dog ending up under the wheels of a car. (I actually used rather stronger language than that. As I mentioned in my earlier post - I thank people for doing the right thing, but if they don't, I'll soon let them know what I think of their stupidity!)


New Member
I use the Hull to Hornsea (shared) rail track quite a lot ,(I like a local chip shop in Hornsea) and always say "thanksyou,cheers" or the thumbs up to everyone I pass and always a "good morning/afternoon" or a nod to any other user coming the other way which on a summer day can be quite a lot.

When a dog walker calls his dog two things have happened, firstly I know he has acknowledged that i will be soon passing him and takes control of his dog, and secondly he has subconciously conveyed to me that its safe to pass him and no drama is going to unfold. I appreiciate his act and say "thankyou" it makes me and the dog owner feel good.

On the other hand if an owner does not call his dog, and I feel there could be an incident I slow right down and ask the owner if its "OK to pass" in cheery voice this usually results in a "I,m sorry" and they call the dog Happy days, and I always enjoy my fish dinner.
As the title says! I took the dog for a walk today along the leeds/liverpool canal. My dog is a well behaved staffie. When a runner or cyclist came along a called him to heel and straight away he comes and stands by me and waits until i tell him its ok to move. The amout of ignorant arrogant bastards that dont say thanks,cheers mate kiss my arse or anything is unreal! I'd say at least 8 out of ten. I can understand the fury dog walkers get with cyclists that just barge there way past as if its their god given right to travelling there unrestricted. It almost made me want to not call the dog to see what would happen, and if they hit him they would have ended in the canal bike and all! Yes i am a cyclist,commuter. It was just an observation on my part and needed a rant.

To answer as both a dog walker and a cyclist, most cyclists don't smile or say anything, maybe because they are concentrating, you tend to look ahead on a bike. I imagine the cyclists who slow down and move over like to get a thank you too but I find I'm hypnotically watching them to make sure they don't run into me or the dog. They probably think the same thing, miserable ba$tard.


Now there is one of those rare breed of people we rarely see these days,a genuine,friendly considerate,polite person that leaves just a slight impression on those he meets in every day life. Hats off to you Norm if only more people were the same :thumbsup:
:blush: :blush: Thanks, but not that rare (or I wouldn't have anyone to chat with. :biggrin:

I just think, given the alternatives, it's better to smile and chat and possibly leave someone a little happier and hopefully more well-disposed towards cyclists. Unless they cut in front of me, then I'll happily make them crap themselves. :thumbsup:


Formerly just_fixed
I think your tone is very arsey, and I think the reaction of a lot of others suggests that they felt the same. You could equally have made your point less agressively.

The shift key is the one that lets you make capital letters.

don't care and you should learn to spell before you criticize others....HHHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! :whistle:
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