Traffic Droid will be on a new channel 4 program

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Evidence based cyclist
Haven't watched it yet, but I think the world is a more interesting place with him in it.


As a motorist……i hear a lot of your members moaning now . the guy that appeared on the channel 4 program called complainers has done the cycling community no good at all in my eyes. i find it hard to understand a lot of cyclists at the best of times when given a safe cycle path to cycle on they continually use the road, maybe someone can tell me why. but the chap that calls himself "traffic droid" should be re named "traffic haemorrhoid" he's a pain in the R's……..a yet to be converted motorist

As a driver how do you know the cycle path is safe ?

It's only a small minority of drivers that cause the complaints. Great ride in this morning with many nice moments as drivers gave way to me, and I gave way to them, nice waves and smiles all round. Then on this wide stretch of road (limited to 50)

as I'm trundling along at maybe 24mph a car hoots at me, why? I look around trying to see what the issue is, but everything seems fine. Catch him up in the traffic jam maybe 400m further up the road, and ask him why he was trying to attract my attention. Apparently it was to let me know there was a cycle path, and that I would be safer there. Really? Is that really what he thought? I'll hoot at this cyclist to let him know there's a 'safer' route. Or was he just a bully thinking that cyclists shouldn't be on the road. I know which I think at this moment, but I also know that not all drivers are like him.

I've tried the cycle path once or twice, and I prefer the road, even with the occasional bullying incidents.


General reminder: please be civil and don't make personal comments towards other members. If you disagree, be constructive in your reply, not dismissive or disrespectful.


Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
i do hope you don't get a puncture on your way to work and if you do i hope its not raining

Schwalbe Marathon Plus pal- not a problem. Lovely dry ride in thanks, whizzing past all the numpties stuck in their stationary cages queuing for miles on end ^_^. And I haven't paid my road tax!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I did think that Droid's torches were over the top as he directed them directly at a drivers face. All I can think is this show just promotes his you tube channel and the advertising cash he gets from it. That's what he came here to do, and did not contribute to the overall 'cycling community' within here.

He is quite aggressive having seen a number of his videos. His road skills also need some serious work. As for PTSD, what ever. I've been in far worse scuffles with vehicles on numerous occasions, and crashed a fair few times without cars help, and I've not gone out and bought 5 or more cameras, air horns, measuring sticks etc. My priority is to ride to work with as good a run as possible - i.e. enjoyable.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Schwalbe Marathon Plus pal- not a problem. Lovely dry ride in thanks, whizzing past all the numpties stuck in their stationary cages queuing for miles on end ^_^. And I haven't paid my road tax!

Oi did you not see Shaun's posts. Drop the little digs. As for Marathons, you know my views !!

Hip Priest

thank you Glow worm for your comments……. You are probably the reason motorists get annoyed at cyclists My question and comments were meant seriously. I could go into a rant and would have no doubt if seeing you face to face things would be a lot different. all i can say to you SIR is Have a nice day i do hope you don't get a puncture on your way to work and if you do i hope its not raining

Several people, including myself, took the the time to respond to your question politely. Yet you've chosen to address the one person who was rude.

This suggests that perhaps you aren't the disinterested seeker of knowledge I thought you were.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Several people, including myself, took the the time to respond to your question politely. Yet you've chosen to address the one person who was rude.

This suggests that perhaps you aren't the disinterested seeker of knowledge I thought you were.
Let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt for now...


In my opinion Trafficdroid's OTT measures are the "natural" extension of the excuses he's been given where he's had reports of dangerous driving not dealt with.

He's like a (probably) non intentional satire of the state of how cyclists are dealt with by society

Droid has the lights so people cant say they didn't see him.
Droid has all the different cameras because he's been told that the footage wasn't good enough, or that they can't see who the driver was, or they can't prove that he was the cyclist in the footage hence the front pole camera.
The ruler, probably been told it wasn't "that close." I've seen another cyclist with a Raspberry Pi and an ultrasonic distance measurer on the the back.
The red card was to stop the pointless debates/arguments that leads to evidence/incidents getting dismissed because you said a swearword.


Senior Member
thank you Glow worm for your comments……. You are probably the reason motorists get annoyed at cyclists My question and comments were meant seriously. I could go into a rant and would have no doubt if seeing you face to face things would be a lot different. all i can say to you SIR is Have a nice day i do hope you don't get a puncture on your way to work and if you do i hope its not raining
Sorry I don't quite get where you're going with this? Are you implying you'd be violent with the poster you're replying to?
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