Traffic Droid will be on a new channel 4 program

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Sorry I don't quite get where you're going with this? Are you implying you'd be violent with the poster you're replying to?

Let's drop this spat between two posters - neither was very friendly to each other. Yes one is new from another forum, but it doesn't paint us 'cyclists' in good light if we steer this topic off the original thread is it ?


Legendary Member
In my opinion Trafficdroid's OTT measures are the "natural" extension of the excuses he's been given where he's had reports of dangerous driving not dealt with.

He's like a (probably) non intentional satire of the state of how cyclists are dealt with by society

Droid has the lights so people cant say they didn't see him.
Droid has all the different cameras because he's been told that the footage wasn't good enough, or that they can't see who the driver was, or they can't prove that he was the cyclist in the footage hence the front pole camera.
The ruler, probably been told it wasn't "that close." I've seen another cyclist with a Raspberry Pi and an ultrasonic distance measurer on the the back.
The red card was to stop the pointless debates/arguments that leads to evidence/incidents getting dismissed because you said a swearword.

This is my view on him - he is responding to the road conditions and attitudes, especially after his accident where it appears that the driver spent less time on an "awareness" course than he probably did in hospital treatment. OK, so the response is extreme, and not something I would bother with, but I understand how he gets there.

I doubt there is a TD in the Netherlands, or Copenhagen.


New Member
Let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt for now...
Thanks Spinney
I do appreciate constructive comment on my posts which were meant seriously, i am open to others views and class myself as a well rounded person but…….the chap who decided to call me a half wit and the other guy who politely told me to foxtrot oscar (jj and glow worm ) do the cause no good what so ever. We as "road users" should know the "highway code" and if All of us use the same "highway code" we should not have cyclist and motorists at loggerheads with each other. these people that make unnecessary rude comments are spoiling it for all the decent cyclists around they are no doubt the type of cyclists that think they are always in the right.
i look forward to the nice guys in this forum replying ...


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Road conditions and attitudes. Oh come on, it's not that bad. He makes it seem worse than it really is. An impatient pass etc. I don't get worked up - it's the same if you are driving a car, it's the same idiots.

It's an extreme reaction, and it will make his cycling miserable. How can one enjoy all that junk added to his bike/helmet - must be heavy. He even rides round in those heavy pants and jacket all year round. My commuter bike - I've made sure everything just pops off as fast as possible. Drop panniers on, switch on Garmin, press go and I'm off. No faffing.

I fail to see how he can enjoy it. Many of us here will actively search out longer routes, and better roads, to improve our route. It's one of those things, if you let people's attitudes affect you, it will eat you up mentally. Let it go and get on with it. The world is not a perfect place, and the 'law' does not make him invincible like he said on TV.


Legendary Member
I found the measuring stick somewhat aggressive - yup, OK when it's being extended out to a car bonnet, but not into the driver's window ?

one of these days he will do that and someone will react to having a weapon thrust in their face.....


Without a clever title
I doubt there is a TD in the Netherlands, or Copenhagen.

I doubt there is a single person with a helmet cam in Copenhagen.

For me the most interesting thing about the program was the disparity between the complaints shown, the majority of which were based on careless/dangerous driving, and the remedial training in the bus company, which only showed training in behaviour/dialogue, and not considerate driving skills.

Hip Priest

Road conditions and attitudes. Oh come on, it's not that bad. He makes it seem worse than it really is. An impatient pass etc. I don't get worked up - it's the same if you are driving a car, it's the same idiots.

It's an extreme reaction, and it will make his cycling miserable. How can one enjoy all that junk added to his bike/helmet - must be heavy. He even rides round in those heavy pants and jacket all year round. My commuter bike - I've made sure everything just pops off as fast as possible. Drop panniers on, switch on Garmin, press go and I'm off. No faffing.

I fail to see how he can enjoy it. Many of us here will actively search out longer routes, and better roads, to improve our route. It's one of those things, if you let people's attitudes affect you, it will eat you up mentally. Let it go and get on with it. The world is not a perfect place, and the 'law' does not make him invincible like he said on TV.

This is what I was saying to my wife last night. If I found cycling as miserable an experience as Droid obviously does, then I'd give up and find another way to get to work.


So i've guess you've not seen his videos where he chats to people or helps out others and seems to be having a good time?

It's selection bias based on him posting videos of the bad stuff, Gaz has mentioned it before, hours and hours of videos of cycling when nothing is happening are pretty pointless.


Legendary Member
[QUOTE 3104337, member: 259"]Mild ****-taking in the Guardian. I haven't got the heart to look at the Mail.[/QUOTE]

I didn't have the heart to watch the prog. What did I miss?


Droid on national TV, you can probably fill in the gaps, look what they did to Gaz now apply that to Lewis.
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