Traffic droid

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Cracking a solo.
Yeah I don't know how the italics thing happened tbh , but with regards the playground stuff never might be a bit strong . Yes I see it on other forums , but it doesn't continue as long as it does here ppl just accept they have different views and it doesn't end up in name calling so to speak.
My apologies if i was slightly incorrect
No worries, I wasn't looking for a row, I was just a little surprised. I think it's well moderated here, a little inconsistant sometimes in my opinion if I'm honest. However it's not my house and all in all it's good :smile:


Cracking a solo.
Your last three posts - a commentary on member behaviour - don't really relate to the topic under discussion though either, and don't really help it to move forward in a way that an on-topic post might.

Perhaps everyone should simply get back on topic and if there's any more silliness just use the Report function to make the moderator team aware. :thumbsup:

I wasn't helping there, sorry :blush:

Colin B

Well-Known Member
Your last three posts - a commentary on member behaviour - don't really relate to the topic under discussion though either, and don't really help it to move forward in a way that an on-topic post might.

Perhaps everyone should simply get back on topic and if there's any more silliness just use the Report function to make the moderator team aware. :thumbsup:

Bickering over forum name choices doesn't relate to the subject either and as far as reporting ppl really is this necessary , but if you feel my posting in this topic isn't helping I will not post again

Hip Priest

I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. The point people are making is that if it constantly brings you into conflict (in some cases nearly getting knocked off), would it not be a good idea to think about approaching it differently?


If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.
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Can we get back to talking about what a mentalist whackjob loony fruitcake weirdo nutjob idiot(?) traffic droid comes across as?

How do you put the lines through the words? "mentalist whackjob loony fruitcake weirdo nutjob"

Ive got a button on the editor next to the Bold/Italic/Underline for it, depending on forum settings it might be hidden - you need to have WYSIWYG editor turned on I think (what you see is what you get)
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