I have sympathy with anyone working for a company in administration, you're usually just waiting to find out which month you'll be told to go home on the day you should have been paid, the staff are the last thing the administrators care about for all their assurances, the people that ruined the company will all be walking away with the money, you can count on that
So many people now are used to be treated like pawns that they've forgotten about why people ever formed unions
the ES is already making out that's it about wages, heaven forbid that workers should want job security and their pensions guaranteed, as they've been repeatedly 'promised' by people that aren't responsible for those thing
so many people with a lifetime of contributions have lost their entire pension in these same circumstances and been left out in the cold, and yet when people that have joined a union actually use their mutual power to defend themselves from being done over, people get outraged
anytime that there's a strike, there's two parties responsible, if they only want assurances that they'll keep their jobs and pensions, why not give it to them?
I sat next to a senior fireman on the plane yesterdays that gave me the firemans' side of their strike, the govt was hellbent on reducing the power of the fireman's union using the power of the media to sway public opinion
I'm sure nothing like that's going on here, oh no good lord no
as for the rest, I'm scootering still resting an injured knee, but one reason was not having to mix it with the occasional cyclists, pedestrians and god knows what else, think I'll delay returning to the bike till next week for the same reasons