Turbo Trainers...Rejoice!!

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Specialized OCD
Royal Liverpool
I hope this is in the right section, I thought I'd share this with you in case there are any other extremely frustrated turbo users out there :cursing: Like a lot of people who have been using the TT I've been driven to tears with utter boredom. I bought a Tacx Genius last year and I've managed to notch up an embarrasingly low number of trainer miles on it. I bought a few of the Tacx DVD's like the Black Forest and Milan San Remo and completed the M-SR (48 miles). Those couple of hours were the most boring and uninspiring of my life :banghead: I've not used these DVD's since and they put me right off wanting to waste any more money or even get on the TT.

I was on Amazon recently and spotted the 3LC (3 Legs Cycling) DVD range. I'll admit that I'm a big Cav fanboy and his image on the front is what drew me in to look more closely. I read the reviews on Amazon and checked out their website and their range of titles and thought I'd give it one last go before ebaying the trainer. I purchased the Road Race and it arrived within 2 days put it on straight away and I was instantly addicted :bravo: No more following the shaky video in a Tacx car with
a bit of TT resistance here and there. This is punishing but exciting and rewarding training for both newbies and hard core TT users, plus the on screen instructions mean you always know where you are and to prepare for the next onslaught.
The developers obviously care about what they're doing becuase a lot of thought has gone in to the schedule unlike the Tacx films. The interaction with the cyclists on the film breaks up the periods when you're spinning continuously for 4 or 5 minutes and there's also Cav chipping in with some tips and cheek :tongue:

I'm not trying to compare 3LC's DVD's with the Tacx as I know they are completely different but I just wanted to let people know that there is some Turbo salvation out there. I can't recommend this enough. It'll be the best hour(s) you spend on a turbo :thumbsup:


Hip Priest

Sounds good.

My turbo is in the garage though - and I've got no power in there. Pah!
No more following the shaky video in a Tacx car with
a bit of TT resistance here and there.

You must have something wrong with your PC/TT ime there is nothing shaky about the Tacx films (especially the new HD BD releases) nor would I describe replicating actual climb profiles upto app 20% as a bit of resistance :wacko:


Specialized OCD
Royal Liverpool
Not sampled the HD releases but to be honest the Tacx DVD's in theory do nothing for me at all. An expensive lesson. As for the climb profiles, I'm very confident that the trainer is set up correctly and I'm regularly calibrating but I don't think the trainer can cope very well with the steepest gradients I find accuracy is there for anything up to 10-15% (give or take) but after that I just think it fails. Who knows, it could be the set up on my TT is out but ultimately i find their DVD's just un-inspiring, I don't want to return to their films like I do with the 3LC DVD :thumbsup:


Climbing Ninja
Not sampled the HD releases but to be honest the Tacx DVD's in theory do nothing for me at all. An expensive lesson. As for the climb profiles, I'm very confident that the trainer is set up correctly and I'm regularly calibrating but I don't think the trainer can cope very well with the steepest gradients I find accuracy is there for anything up to 10-15% (give or take) but after that I just think it fails. Who knows, it could be the set up on my TT is out but ultimately i find their DVD's just un-inspiring, I don't want to return to their films like I do with the 3LC DVD :thumbsup:

fB59, have you tried the Sufferfest range of training films - take a while to download as mp4's but good value for a whole load of suffering; along with Trainer Road makes turbo training almost enjoyable


Specialized OCD
Royal Liverpool
I have one if the sufferfest, Demon. Can't remember which one it is though. The subtitle commentary (is that right????) focuses on the flapping jacket of one of the riders as it's getting in his nerves :biggrin: I much preferred that to the Tacx but having the human interaction on the 3LC DVD and the on screen set up plus seeing one of the pro's suffer too makes their DVD my out and out favourite :biggrin:

Deleted member 1258

Sounds good.

My turbo is in the garage though - and I've got no power in there. Pah!

Mines in the shed, again no power, watching the heart monitor by the light of a head torch whilst listening to music on my MP3 player.


Senior Member
Cyclists spend that kind of lolly ( Tacx Genius ) because they are either too wealthy for their intelligence, or they are training for racing.
I suspect OP is training for racing.
In which case, all I have to say is the same as I ask the juniors in my club when they moan about Turbo sessions. "How much do you want to win?" "If you don't want to win, you can go home now. You're wasting your own and my time."

The one and only single objective in doing turbo work is to increase one's sixty minute power, or FTP. Take your bike out on the road to do hill work, cus that requires rocking around and balance skills.
Simply keep this one and only single agenda in mind, and I promise, your turbo work will be painful. ^_^:thumbsup:


Über Member
you don't say what music you listen to.
get the headphones on get your favourite ZZtop tracks and burn to that.

I actually hit stage 4 the other night - good beginning speed for pro racers - I'm out of the mild exercise area.
- F-me - !

Hip Priest

Cyclists spend that kind of lolly ( Tacx Genius ) because they are either too wealthy for their intelligence, or they are training for racing.
I suspect OP is training for racing.
In which case, all I have to say is the same as I ask the juniors in my club when they moan about Turbo sessions. "How much do you want to win?" "If you don't want to win, you can go home now. You're wasting your own and my time."

The one and only single objective in doing turbo work is to increase one's sixty minute power, or FTP. Take your bike out on the road to do hill work, cus that requires rocking around and balance skills.
Simply keep this one and only single agenda in mind, and I promise, your turbo work will be painful. ^_^:thumbsup:

I'm not training for racing (and have only a cheap trainer) but how do you increase your 60 minute power? Just going as hard as you can sustain for 60 mins?


Über Member
just a thought, have you thought of putting aerobars on the turbo. - not for the aerodynamic advantage - but for the change in position.
I did and it upped my speed as it put me right forward , resting on my elbows I found I could spin with more power.
some may disagree but it worked for me.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
just a thought, have you thought of putting aerobars on the turbo. - not for the aerodynamic advantage - but for the change in position.
A position you can find without paying for aero bars.

I did and it upped my speed as it put me right forward , resting on my elbows I found I could spin with more power.
How much more power?

some may disagree but it worked for me.
Fortunately, most people take your posts with a massive pinch of salt.


Über Member
A position you can find without paying for aero bars.
- how ? -

How much more power?

Fortunately, most people take your posts with a massive pinch of salt.
don't take salt in large quantities it's bad for the heart, unless your in very hot climates or doing long hard exercise then upping intake - a small ammount - can be benificial - but our daily intake in western food is way to high so I wouldn't


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
A position you can find without paying for aero bars.
- how ? -



How much more power?
Unfortunately that is speed. Power is measured in Watts and as most people are aware, speed on turbos has little meaning.

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